E4K wanted

hi !
i thinking of getting me a emu E4 with keyboard since i am looking for a good keyboard sampler. Well what do you guys think. Is it possible to get one in the near future. I never saw one for sale and i guess it?s very rare ....
any idea what price i should expect?
if i can?t find one i maybe go for another keyboard sampler but i like the emus. I own a emax for some years now, but it?s a little limited of course..
another question is about the "workflow" and about working with libarys in generell. I notices there is chicken-sys-translator and i can use scsi. well i hope there are not too much problems involved - emu with usb and direct wav format conversation from pc would be great
i thinking of getting me a emu E4 with keyboard since i am looking for a good keyboard sampler. Well what do you guys think. Is it possible to get one in the near future. I never saw one for sale and i guess it?s very rare ....
any idea what price i should expect?
if i can?t find one i maybe go for another keyboard sampler but i like the emus. I own a emax for some years now, but it?s a little limited of course..
another question is about the "workflow" and about working with libarys in generell. I notices there is chicken-sys-translator and i can use scsi. well i hope there are not too much problems involved - emu with usb and direct wav format conversation from pc would be great
