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Sending samples via audio editors to emu....

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2003 12:15 am
by blaze
O.K. sometimes when i call up a sample from my HD then look at it in peak or recycle say,this may be for example a 2 sec note from my a synth that has it loops in place at the outer limits and loops perfect.Now..even if the file has been cropped from say 2.5 sec previously and saved ...whatever... it will show up on my emu as a sample of 2.5 sec!!
how is this so, surely all previous data about the file will have been lost after saving, no?.....its a slight pain as i have to reset loops etc.
has anyone else encountered this? -or even is it normal?
i posted this on DOA a while ago but had no joy in anyone answering it....any ideas?

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2003 6:36 am
by sampleandhold
i know that when i have used that trans thing, whatever it is... it seems to shorten the lenght of the sample, sometimes by quite alot. but it will still read as the samples original lenght.

i wonder if the emu has some kind of bug in it's "fat" system, or whatever it is. maybe it reads the lengths wrong on certian instants, like the transmorgifthing.

some one else i am sure has abetter idea thought i am sure.

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2003 2:38 pm
by madmax
I've always had trouble when dealing with sending looped samples. It rarely gets it right ... something about the way the EMU encodes the audio ... i dunno. I've learned simply to do any looping in the EMU. as far as the note being shorter, hmmmm. I havn't really been aware of this problem - but i usually do any truncating in the emu. it could be that in spark (if that's where your sending the sample from) there are 2 copys of the sample - one is in some type of folder or something (i'm not at the studio so bear with me) and one is the actual sample. perhaps you have the "folder" one highlighted when you're sending? other than that i don't knwo.

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2003 10:31 pm
by ezman
Okay well if you really want to do a test post a sample up to uploads, explain exact steps for us to recreate problem (i'm using mac too). Then we can see what's going on (ie if it's just you or a general problem). If you're not happy about upping exactly the same sound then use another or just take us through the steps...

Up to you,