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Newbie's Question !!!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 8:17 pm
by LoG-A-ryTHm
G'Day everybody,

This is my first post here and Im pretty enjoying caus' ther's lots of good speaks around.
I just got an E64 and I'm shure that I will fit really well with PX7 Command STation :thumbs: ;)

Anyway I bought in Uk and was fitted with 2.5 OS and I've just downloaded the 3.0b version and It gives to me 3 files like Sdiks...
ANyone got the solution or any trick :spliff: ;)


PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 10:03 pm
by LoG-A-ryTHm
Tricks or any idea will be really cool :grin: ;)

PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 9:54 am
by LoG-A-ryTHm
What shoul I do with this 3 files ?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 12:44 pm
by tk
I just had a look in the EOS 3.0b zip folder and checked out these SDISK files....
It is actually a totally different ms-dos program for converting Roland Sample Diskette's, not even an EMU OS at all. (one of the files is a .DOC you can read in word, etc).
Your best bet is probably to download EOS 4.10, which i believe is the right file.
I'm not sure what this flash preping is all about though, if anyone knows...

PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 2:16 pm
by LoG-A-ryTHm

But the thing is that I can only upgrade to 3.0b version cause I've only got 1Mb of Flash ram.

Somebody told me that on another forum
EOS OS Upgrades
1. Download the files and uncompress if necessary.
2. Place a high density floppy in your floppy drive
3. Launch the EOS/FlashPrep executable (.exe) and type the drive letter "a" of your floppy drive.
4. Once the disk image is complete place the floppy in your sampler and turn it on. Always use Flash Prep 1st when required as part of your OS upgrade.

Anyone got an idea cause I don't really get It, I've downloaded the file, uncompressed It, got already a standard floppy but what's the common point between the uncompressed files and the EOS Flash Prep .exe ? :grumble:

PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 6:10 pm
by Johnny Digital
I've told EOS Flash Prep .exe prepares the emu to read compressed files...


PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 6:37 pm
by LoG-A-ryTHm
I didn't get it :???: , do I have to first put the Flash Prep.exe file on the Emu by the floppy and then put the compressed file in the Emu, or should I put both files on the floppy !?? :shock:

Thanks 8-)