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and... for those of you that don't know....

PostPosted: Sat May 24, 2003 9:04 pm
by sampleandhold
this is something i discovered only an hour ago... i was working on my song and i needed another controller to control the release on one of my sounds, but i didn't have any left... i already had the pitch controlling... the pitch duh, and the mod wheel controlling the filter freq. but i needed another controller for the release. and no one say foot switch or pedal, because in cakewalk, i have to go into a completely different area, and the damn thing is hard to use. so i did this:

if you go into master and then go into midi, you will discover there are a bunch of buttons that list stuff, the one i want you too look at is contrller2. if you push on that, you will find that there is a list that says:

midi A:21
midi B:22
and so on

now if you go into your mod matrix you will find that in the source part, along with your pitchwheel, mod wheel, and so on, midi a, midi b, and so on.

so i set a chord up to control the release.. midi a=amprls(whatever)=100%

but now were do you go to get that controller to work?
well in multimode if you hit the next button, the one pointing to the right, you will see all those controllers. but still, how can you draw in those controllers in your sequencer?

this is were things might get tricky. i am a cakewalk guy... but i will work on the premise that all sequencers are the same.

okay, you know the section you have to drag down to get to the modwheel controller. in cakewalk there is actually a large list of these. mod, pan, so on. each one has a number before it. mod is of course 1
now if you highlight that and actually type in 21, you will have have access to that controller, and now you can draw in your values, or whatever you do with your sequencers.

and if you want, you can change the contoller "id" for lack of a term, in your cake walk, so that midi a could actually be 1 instead of 21.

this might be in that manual that comes on a cd (why did they do that? :cry: ) with your emu, but i can't recall seeing it.. must have been on one of those pages that didn't print because of an error (that is why the should have just made it a book :grumble: ).

so really this goes to those of you, like me that couldn't get the complete manual, and those of you who have either lost the manual disc or never got it in the first place...

hope this helps you guys out. now you can control...EVERYTHING

PostPosted: Sun May 25, 2003 12:17 pm
by blaze
B4 i got my emu i used my virus for everything,so i was used to loads and loads of controllers.I was dissapointed at first that the emu only had 15(if i remember right) assignable midi controllers but when i thought about it, i never actually ever used that many in any one tune,so really it doent matter as you can choose what they control,rather than them being fixed as on a virus synth for example.

PostPosted: Sun May 25, 2003 5:32 pm
by sampleandhold
the only reason that i figured this out was because i needed a controller, and all of them were used, that was at least easy to connect. but yeah, i can't really see using 15 controllers at once... maybe in some circumstance.... i guess it is always best to have way too much then not enough...

PostPosted: Sun May 25, 2003 8:10 pm
by ezman
Did you know that with a tiny bit of coaxing you can control your EMU with your Virus or Cs1x knobs (or whatever other controller you got)??? I got to go off right now but I will post up how tomorrow....

PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 1:19 am
by Klaseed
Word. First post here, this is the kinda place I've been looking for.

Regarding MIDI controllers A-H: I've made an environment layer in Logic to work with these.

The problem I was having was that for my Emu and my microQ, all the useful controllers were different numbers, and sometimes I'd need control over different parameters anyway. I use an Oxygen 8, so I've got 8 controllers to work with. So, what I did was this:

1) on the Oxygen, I assigned knobs 1-8 to controller numbers 1-8 - the knobs always send out these MIDI messages.

2)Then, in Logic, I created a bunch of MIDI transformers that will take incoming controller message number 1, say, and convert it to 21, say, so I can control the Emu MIDI A. I then have another transformer that will convert controller number 1 into 69, which is filter cutoff on my micro Q.

3)By just cabling the input of the keyboard through one of these transformers before it reaches the sequencer, I can switch between controlling whatever parameters I want on whichever instrument I want, from one bank of 8 knobs.

Dope! I was stoked at lest :grin:

If anybody wants the environment to modify to your own uses, let me know I'll email it to ya.

One more thing: I'll be seeing you lot here often 8-)