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PostPosted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 7:48 am
by automatikal
i put in a new fan and its much quieter but not inaudible. i was contemplating getting a new harddrive and or enclousure when i started messing around and found the Sleep feature for the internal drive. Id seen this before but i guess it just never registered. You can put the drive to sleep so that aside from when your sorting thru samples, saving, or loading it its off and silent. In the Disk/Browse screen under the INFO tab there it is: SLEEP.

Nice 1

PostPosted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 3:11 pm
by FilthyMcNasty
Nice one Roonsmits! Yeah, if you max out the RAM you can't use the ROM slots anyway (without reallocating memory etc.), so you haven't lost anything.
I can't hear my E-mu over my Atari mega ST anyway (the Atari sounds similar to a 1970's Russian air conditioning system).

Re: Nice 1

PostPosted: Mon Feb 14, 2005 9:09 pm
by roonsmits
FilthyMcNasty wrote:I can't hear my E-mu over my Atari mega ST anyway (the Atari sounds similar to a 1970's Russian air conditioning system).

Thanks FMN,

Yeah I'm real happy now I've done this, I've always been more of a techy than a musician ;-(
I can't play/read notes, but I like the noise I make ;-)

Russian Airco? You mean like being 10ft away from a Boeing 747?

got to go now,

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 1:21 am
by sturoc
Hey Guys
replaced my dead fan (E6400), new one is like a jet now, very noisy.
If I do the resistor trick - lower rpms, lower noise. What effect on the ps may this have if any???
New fan rpms are higher than stock fan.
Roonsmits, if ur still around: What resistor did ya use?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 11:49 am
by MFPhouse
Master - Setup - SCSI - F5 Driver Saver "XXmin" and Silence

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 7:12 pm
by sturoc
What is this gonna Do?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2006 12:26 pm
by roonsmits
sturoc wrote:Hey Guys
replaced my dead fan (E6400), new one is like a jet now, very noisy.
If I do the resistor trick - lower rpms, lower noise. What effect on the ps may this have if any???
New fan rpms are higher than stock fan.
Roonsmits, if ur still around: What resistor did ya use?

Yes I am still around! I used a Zalman resistor pack that comes with a silent fan.


PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:33 pm
by sslneve
Hello all you silence lovers! :)

I just mounted an 80mm fan in my E5000 like roonsmits did. The original fan itself was not sooo noisy, but, when mounted in the edge without vibration absorbers, it became quite loud. So, now I placed an 80mm fan just right behind the power supply, not in front of it like roonsmits. Well, I thought, lets suck the heat up from the power supply and blow it out through the hole in the back.

As I got a HD (5400 RPM) inside, I'd like to know if my fan is strong enough to keep the power supply alive. The fan does 1000 RPM at around 8 dB(A) and moves about 19 cubic meters of air per hour. Is that enough? I have the impression that the old fan did more cooling. On the other hand, I dont know if there really is need for so much cooling, now that the PSU is not heat-trapped in its enclosure anymore....

Any comments or thoughts? Thanks!

PostPosted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 2:42 pm
by ckett

Great stuff!!

Say, where did you get the mounting bracket for that 80mm fan?


PostPosted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 3:33 pm
by sslneve

I made them :) I bought a right-angled metal thing, which I cut and drilled holes in (and in the E5000).

PostPosted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 12:28 pm
by filterfreq
why have the EMu in the room? if you have a high enough eOS you can do eos link...stick your PC out of the room and tie line all your mouse keybaord and monitor into your control room.

pure silence all the hard drives you need and fans and cooling. mmm sweet silence. costa bit in svga and cables but its worth it.

i am stuck on eos 2.06f i am stuck with it next to me i have a zip drive in play right now so i can turn it off when not needed so there is no drive whiring ....and replaced the fan with a larger one with a variable resistor to r
reduce speed..

i did take the EMU apart and noticed the LCD display cables ..thought i might extend those cables about 5 meters?! ...have the emu out the room with just the little LCD on the desk with the optional Keyboard (digital option card)

im definately looking to upgrade my eos and get eos link
