someone know if i can install it even if i have a ascii/XLR option I/O installed ?
Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 2:52 pm
by recury
Hi nuts.
I am selling my E5000 with 6313 installed. I reckon it will sell for less than what I paid for the 6313 expansion card a year ago. Aquiring my e5000 for the card might be a thought, although I can't guarauntee that it would work.
Probably more to the point If you look at the pictures on : ... dZViewItem You can see the rear view of the sampler with 6313 installed so you can see it would require two vacant slots to install.
Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2006 5:20 pm
by nuts
Thanx but i'm not really interested ,i f you don't sell it, think about me