emu e4 owners : STUDIO SALE emu gear

HI ALL - we have a few things you may be interested in (prices in us dollars) : 8-output analogue expander new for $150 ;dvd ram drive scsi cable included $50 ; e4x motherboard with 128 polyphony/ram board - 16mb sample ram and 1gb hard drive included ,with or without chassis $250 - or $300 with 128mb sample ram and 10gb drive installed plus the following : original classic power supply tested in e4x in excellent condition inluding cooling fan ($25 separately) and pc/at asc11 remote keyboard in excellent condition ($10 separately) - this upgrades standard e4`s to e4xt status ; WILL SELL 128 voice POLYPHONY BOARD SEPARATELY if required (UPGRADE CONVERTS E4K AND ESYNTH KEYBOARDS TO 128 VOICE OF POLY INSTEAD OF THE FACTORY STANDARD 64) ; THIS IS THE BOARD THAT GIVES TURBO VERSIONS THEIR NAME . INSTALLATION TIME AROUND 30MINS . THIS IS A VERY RARE ITEM AND THE ONLY ONE I`VE SEEN SO FAR . IT HAS BEEN FULLY TESTED IN MY E4X & esynth KEYBOARD , INCLUDING THE RAM . NOLONGER AVAILABLE IN MUSIC SHOPS (retail WAS $995) . FULL COMPLIMENT OF SAMPLE RAM (128 MB) - PRICE IS $200us INCLUDING THE RAM . MAY BE COMPATABLE WITH ULTRA VERSIONS (but definitely not with E5000 ULTRA). shipping extra depending on location : about $15 within australia. everything works and is in excellent condition . thanks !