Maybe selling my Emu's and MPC

E4X 8 outs, 128Mb Ram 3.2Gb internal SCSI Drive, digital In/Out/ ASCI keyboard input. odd sticky button, 10 back up discs (all Akai) Owned for 10 years Very clean, All original manuals Eos 4.61 ?100
E5000 Ultra, 80Gb Internal IDE, 10 back up discs, 128mb ram, ultra manuals and scsi cables, EOS 4.7 ?170
Akai MPC2000, 32MB, bit scratched on top surface, 250 scsi zip drive os 1.7, great sound. ?250
Either PM me or email (p.bennett'@' without the ').
Located near Sheffield UK
cheers B
E5000 Ultra, 80Gb Internal IDE, 10 back up discs, 128mb ram, ultra manuals and scsi cables, EOS 4.7 ?170
Akai MPC2000, 32MB, bit scratched on top surface, 250 scsi zip drive os 1.7, great sound. ?250

Either PM me or email (p.bennett'@' without the ').
Located near Sheffield UK
cheers B