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E MU 6867 and 6868 Options for ultra For sale

PostPosted: Fri May 02, 2008 2:07 am
by themechanizer
I have 2(6867) 8 Output options and 2(6868)4/8 input options that I need to get rid of. I don't want to sell them on ebay. They are selling on ebay for $175 each. I will sell them for less. I have a paypal account and will ship overseas. Anyone interested?


PostPosted: Sun May 11, 2008 5:58 pm
by themechanizer
These are still new in the box and you can get them from me instead of paying $160-$180 on ebay. I will sell the 6867 for $125 and if you buy with the 6868 I will sell both for $220. All before shipping!

Don't miss out because