Emu4 power supply needed

Wed Jun 09, 2010 11:41 pm
by disjt
Anyone with a broken Emu4 for spare parts?
I need a working Power Supply for the emu4
Danny Weijermans
The Netherlands
Re: Emu4 power supply needed

Thu Jun 10, 2010 9:00 am
by mosrob
Hi Danny,
as you might already know: Spare parts are available at EPR Electronics...
E4 & E-Synth Rack:
http://www.eprelectronics.com/store/html/Products/E-mu-Rack-Mount-Modules/E-mu-E4XT-Ultra-Sampler/Internal-Power-supply-Z-20.htmlE4 & E-Synth Keyboard:
http://www.eprelectronics.com/store/html/Products/E-mu-Keyboards-PARTS/E-mu-E4K-E-Synth-Keyboa/Power-supply-44W-73.htmlI doubt that anyone will visit this forum again after she/he has lost (maybe a while ago) her/his sampler so that your chances to get a used but working power supply are IMO low.
You should also check if a Radio & TV engineer nearby can help you. As their prices can be exorbitant high get a quote first an then decide between "repair" and "buy new".