Wanted: Original EMU Sample Banks

Hey guys
I got myself an Emu E4X. But unfortunately (well fortunatly for my production work *G*), there are just a view bankes, presets and samples on my device. Now that i got this old device, i would of course find it great, to have some of the original sounds of the time the device was manufactured.
So if anyone has some of Original EMU Sample CD's let me know. It can be as download or whatever :)
Not sure if i will need all of them (well pretty sure i won't use all of em), but to have some sounds to play with and get some of the "classics" would be nice.
cheers guys and thx in advance
I got myself an Emu E4X. But unfortunately (well fortunatly for my production work *G*), there are just a view bankes, presets and samples on my device. Now that i got this old device, i would of course find it great, to have some of the original sounds of the time the device was manufactured.
So if anyone has some of Original EMU Sample CD's let me know. It can be as download or whatever :)
Not sure if i will need all of them (well pretty sure i won't use all of em), but to have some sounds to play with and get some of the "classics" would be nice.
cheers guys and thx in advance