Wanted: Either E6400/E-SYNTH/E4XT/PLATINUM (ULTRA)

Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:53 am
by technogeist
Preferably in UK or Europe, but not essential.
Mint/As New/Well Looked After units only.
Excellent price paid for right machine.
Mail : technogeist at hotmail dot com or drop me a line here.
Re: Wanted: Either E6400/E-SYNTH/E4XT/PLATINUM (ULTRA)

Thu Nov 03, 2011 10:50 am
by jp2010
My machine is on ebay right now & its in great condition
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/320786359974? ... 1555.l2649John
Re: Wanted: Either E6400/E-SYNTH/E4XT/PLATINUM (ULTRA)

Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:26 am
by Morrisonsfweb
E4XT Ultra is superiour to 6400 Utlra as it has 128 instead of 64 polyphony. i own one, stuffed with additional RFX-32 FX board. compared to earlier models, Ultra series have better converters, faster cpu and button operation etc.. forgot what the differences were (had the regular E4XT and old e64 before). but the sound aint night n day different, they're all good.
loeading times are the fastest of all hardware samplers. worked with most of them on one time or another. in comparison to this, sample load time in todays workstations a la triton or motif is pathetic. it loads akai 1000/3000, roland 7xx, eiii/eiiix, wav/aiff, supports SMDI and SDS. it retains key maps.
so whats special.. mm, for starters the sound is bigger, rounder n better than when i load the same sht in Kontakt. or akai. second, the filter is really flexible, and rather warm digi filter, tho very gentle/unobstrisuve, no resonance character that you would find in likes of jd990 or nord. you cant make a bass with classic expo filter env. but, what u can do beautifully is add expression to classic instruments, this filter @12dB, no reso, works great on adding the subtle expression to solo clarinets, oboes etc.. i use mod wheel to offset both volume/filter and it makes wonders adding life performing a solo line. great filter and dsp for processing loops n drums.
matrix mod is very deep, with all synth engine param avail as source/dest. setup so its a pleasure to work with. you have 17 "cords" with source->intensity->destination, but the list goes beyond synth param - you can use special math functions, logic, switchers, velocity related, incoming midi clock subdivisions, incoming 32 midi CCs, and also other existing cords as sources, or their intensities as destinations. a "voice" has this mod matrix, 3 complex envelopes, 2 LFOs, multimode filter etc..
however, all these paramters are PER multisample ZONE (or voice), and these can of course overlap, get velocity xfaded/swithced (128 velo layers). so in a preset, or a set of voices set on the keyboard (multisample) every note can have different filter, envs, dofferent mod matrix, so for ex, react differently to incoming MIDI CC. that ammount to lot of mod options. you have 32 channels (2xmidi io), each can have a preset, or LINK preset, i e layer /split/velo crossfade w other patches on top.. - easy to setup complex "combinations" (to use the KORG term). this is from the top of my head..
if it had HD streaming and support for 500G drives, i'd get a few of them ultras and still use it for everything to this day. unfortunately i need vast ammount of EW and Vienna gigabytes in my work. moving to Kontakt was a definite step down in sound quality for me, but there was no alternative.