looking for an e4xt ultra

Hi there,
I'm lusting for an e4xt ultra for a long time now. Now I decided to get one.
I'm working with a quite modern macbook pro (2011), so I'll have no SCSI options, but I do have a cf-card reader, so if one's installed, I'd be glad :)
(There will be a fireface ucx on my desk soon, if this is of any useful information)
A nice big IDE hdd would be nice aswell and 128MB RAM is a must.
If there's any chance someone might get rid of exactly what I'm looking for, feel free to contact me.
(either forum pn, or dnb.b0ol at googlemail.com)
I live in Germany.
cheers! :)
I'm lusting for an e4xt ultra for a long time now. Now I decided to get one.
I'm working with a quite modern macbook pro (2011), so I'll have no SCSI options, but I do have a cf-card reader, so if one's installed, I'd be glad :)
(There will be a fireface ucx on my desk soon, if this is of any useful information)
A nice big IDE hdd would be nice aswell and 128MB RAM is a must.
If there's any chance someone might get rid of exactly what I'm looking for, feel free to contact me.
(either forum pn, or dnb.b0ol at googlemail.com)
I live in Germany.
cheers! :)