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Display & other parts for Ultra's SOLD

Thu Jul 12, 2012 5:17 pm
by 68000
all sold now
Re: Display and other parts for Ultra models & older E4/E64 ect

Thu Jul 12, 2012 6:23 pm
by mosrob
So, when you are in EURO-Zone: Why don't you quote in EURO?
By the way:
The Cover is usually grey, not black. Why is your cover black?
Your prices are also very "optimistic".
Re: Display and other parts for Ultra models & older E4/E64 ect

Thu Jul 12, 2012 6:56 pm
by 68000
EDIT: I just checked. The lid is black! Why do you claim its grey?
Re: Display and other parts for Ultra models & older E4/E64 ect

Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:47 pm
by cube48
I've send you an e-mail but can imagine that it ended up in spam folder so I'm writting here as well.
I would be interested in rack ears. Could you please PM me or look for my e-mail?
Re: Display & other parts for Ultra's & older EOS series & more

Wed Aug 15, 2012 9:09 am
by plz
Bit OT but just to confirm there is definitely a black case model. I picked up several E5000s on eBay some years ago and one is black, the others grey. Have had them apart for drive updates and there are other variations between models, e.g. on one of them (can't remember if this is the black one though) the volume pot & headphone socket are mounted on the same plate which is fastened with a single bolt, so when you plug in h/phones the whole lot flexes and threatens to disappear inside the machine. The others use a different system which is much sturdier.