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EMU Ultra Adat card (looking to buy)

Tue Jan 22, 2013 3:02 pm
by mr_copstick
Hello, I'm looking to buy the non RFX Adat card for the ultras. I know longer use my RFX/ADAT so I'm going to sell the combination once I get the standard card. (cant remember the model no.)
Re: EMU Ultra Adat card (looking to buy)

Tue Jan 22, 2013 8:27 pm
by Ed Crush
Hi mr_copstick
I have the non-RFX-32 version 6861 Adat - And looking for the EMU 6866 R-ADAT that works with RFX-32. How weird is this..
Can we do something here: trade + money + good faith :-)
Best regards
Re: EMU Ultra Adat card (looking to buy)

Fri Feb 01, 2013 12:59 am
by mr_copstick
Hello, do you still have it for sale?
Re: EMU Ultra Adat card (looking to buy)

Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:56 pm
by tksense
Hello, I thought the deal here must have worked out, so I sold my adat expansion just recently. However, I am still looking for a R-Adat. How funny it is that Ed Crush and I had been in the same boat for these while.
Please let me know if any R-Adat is for sale! Thanks!