Re: aes/ebu/ascii card FOR SALE digi in/out

Fri Feb 01, 2013 10:50 am
by mosrob
You are offering the Digital I/O & ASCII Option for the E4 Classic, right?
Actually this does not fit into the E4 Ultra as the D-WAM Option (= Digital I/O, Word Clock, ASCII, MIDI I/O) has a 34-pin connector where the signals from the option board are assigned to different pins than on the Digital I/O & ASCII Option for the E4 Classic.
With the right ribbon cable the option for the E4 Classic will fit into the E4 Ultra.
Re: aes/ebu/ascii card FOR SALE digi in/out

Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:51 pm
by atomicmidi
No, its the one for ultras. It was fitted to 5000 Ultra. Contains wordclock, digi in/out, ascii ..
Re: aes/ebu/ascii card FOR SALE digi in/out

Fri Feb 01, 2013 9:35 pm
by mosrob
...then you forgot to mention the MIDI I/O and Word Clock I/O...