64 ULTRA for sale

Hey peeps got some kit for sale if anyones interested...
EMU 6400 Ultra, with 16 outputs, 20gig hardrive, a pile of sample CD's and 16meg of ram...
Access Virus B, Desktop version...
Akai S2000, with 10 outputs and FX board, I'll also throw in a box of 20 or 30 samples disks that I used with it (all samples and loops at 135bpm)...
Behringer Virtualizer Pro, 24bit digital effects processor...
Behringer Multicom Pro, compressor, four mono or two stereo linked compressors...
There might be some more bits soon (like a mackie 24-8-2 and some other effects processors)
Marky Impact
EMU 6400 Ultra, with 16 outputs, 20gig hardrive, a pile of sample CD's and 16meg of ram...
Access Virus B, Desktop version...
Akai S2000, with 10 outputs and FX board, I'll also throw in a box of 20 or 30 samples disks that I used with it (all samples and loops at 135bpm)...
Behringer Virtualizer Pro, 24bit digital effects processor...
Behringer Multicom Pro, compressor, four mono or two stereo linked compressors...
There might be some more bits soon (like a mackie 24-8-2 and some other effects processors)
Marky Impact