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Saving samples as .Wav from my E5000

Sun Jun 01, 2003 1:07 pm
by garethjonesdj
Yo people, i've got a little problem here!
When I save my samples from the E5000 to a floppy as .wav they dont work on my pc. I can load my disk up and it shows the samples being there but when i go to play it (in media player or real one) it says the samples could not be found!!!
Can anyone help me as it is very annoying!!!!

Sun Jun 01, 2003 4:31 pm
by DS-1
thats because emu formats the floppy into emu format. If your using EOS 4.7 i believe you can format in FAT32, which theoretically your computer would be able to read
If your trying to get samples on your pc I tihnk your best bet is to get a scsi card. Itll cost you maybe $100 but youll be able to send samples no problem, in no time at all, none of this floppy disk madness
hope it helps

Sun Jun 01, 2003 9:34 pm
by garethjonesdj
Yeah i can format the disk ok on my pc (as FAT) then i save the samples to the disk!
If i formatt the disk on the emu, it wont let me save it as .Wav file!
I dont wont to have to buy a SCI thingy as i'm a tight bastard!

Sun Jun 01, 2003 10:21 pm
by ezman
Serious! Be tight with time and buy a scsi zip for ?30 or so off ebay, just a thought...

Mon Jun 02, 2003 8:48 pm
by DS-1
Ezman is right.
Honestly dude buy a scsi card, it will save you tons of time and if very much worth it.
I use my scsi card almost everytime i turn on my emu....something to think about

Tue Jun 03, 2003 8:13 pm
by garethjonesdj
DS-1 wrote:Ezman is right.
Honestly dude buy a scsi card, it will save you tons of time and if very much worth it.
I use my scsi card almost everytime i turn on my emu....something to think about
Yeah i will be gettin one soon, but i'm worried it aint working properly??? Does any one else get this problem????
Scsi and PC at Tweaks forum

Tue Jun 03, 2003 8:47 pm
by ezman
Here's a link to an article by Tweak - think it will help out a lot in case of problems.... ... ampler.htm