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Sequencer problem.

Sun Aug 21, 2005 5:07 pm
by Ole
I've got an E-synth Rack (with midi-expansion) running Eos 4.02, which I control with an Dx7-||d. Problem= The seq. will not work. No matter what I try, I simply can't get it to work. The Dx7 is set to transmit midi on channel 1, the e-synth recives and plays totally normal, nothing wrong there, but the seq. won't work. I've tried guided tour thing in the manual too. Help, anyone?

Sat Aug 27, 2005 4:30 pm
by Ole
Okey, the sequencer do recieve midi data, it just won't play it back. Midi files don't work either, nor does the sequences in the "demo" map on my harddrive. Wierd.

Sat Aug 27, 2005 11:16 pm
by EmufromAus
I had a problem where the sequencer would record, but wouldn't playback, either internally within my e-synth, or on the E4 module I was midied up to. I now cant remember which parameter got it working, but it was in the MIDI area
If you go to the MAster/Midi/Mode, my settings are follows;
1. Basic channel: 1
2. Midi MOde: Multi
3: MIdi device ID: 4
4: Local Control: on
good luck

Sun Aug 28, 2005 1:43 pm
by Ole
Thanks, I'll test it.

Wed Aug 31, 2005 3:59 pm
by Ole
Hm. Well, no it did'nt do anything. But, the "local control" option is kinda unavailible. It is "grayed" out, if you see what I mean. Are there other parameters that may be involved?
Sequencecer = trouble

Sun Jan 08, 2006 10:27 am
by Thomas Riem
I'm not sure if this is going to help you much, but at least I think I could help in isolating your problem. Then it might be easier to solve.
First off, the reason your "local control"-field is grayed out is that you have a rack module and the other guy a keyboard version of the E-synth. Local control means that the keyboard controls the synth's sound engine directly.
Next, let's talk about your synth. You state that you have a Midi-expansion? Take care - is Midi going into your synth/seq on input 2? That won't work.
Last, if you are a newbie like me, you may be stuck in the differences between multimode and the sequencer: first you load a bank of sounds into memory. then check out that your synth is working (midi in on ch 1 makes a sound). sometimes you have to hunt for a preset that makes a sound! now go to the sequencer and try out the guided tour...
best of luck
Sequencecer = trouble

Sun Jan 08, 2006 10:29 am
by Thomas Riem
I'm not sure if this is going to help you much, but at least I think I could help in isolating your problem. Then it might be easier to solve.
First off, the reason your "local control"-field is grayed out is that you have a rack module and the other guy a keyboard version of the E-synth. Local control means that the keyboard controls the synth's sound engine directly.
Next, let's talk about your synth. You state that you have a Midi-expansion? Take care - is Midi going into your synth/seq on input 2? That won't work.
Last, if you are a newbie like me, you may be stuck in the differences between multimode and the sequencer: first you load a bank of sounds into memory. then check out that your synth is working (midi in on ch 1 makes a sound). sometimes you have to hunt for a preset that makes a sound! now go to the sequencer and try out the guided tour...
best of luck

Sun Jan 08, 2006 3:12 pm
by Ole
Actually, it solved it self when I opened a midi file, and extracted it. I don't have the faintest idea why it did'nt work before that, but now it is working, and I am happy :)