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Who can save E4 format file in PC?

Thu Nov 17, 2005 12:48 pm
by dani666xxx
I'm sorry for my bad English...
I can't find that format in CDXtract.
Today I set a 80G HHD in E6400Ultra,but I think save my 100 sampleCD with SCSI CDDriver too slowly!!so I wanna set this HHD in my PC,and save E4 file in it.
Anybody know how to do?

Tue Nov 22, 2005 9:11 pm
by ikechukwu
If I understand you correctly, your PC won't recognise the hard drive if it is formatted in the EMU format.
I'm not sure if Translator ( ) can read hard drives formatted in a non native format, but it is worth a try or try emailing them.
Hope that helps.

Wed Nov 23, 2005 3:38 pm
by dani666xxx
Thanks for your help.
but I mean...I want to see Emu sample file on my PC,like XXX.E4.
I don't know what software can translate akai format file to E4 format file,and save them on Pc's HD in Win XP.

Wed Nov 23, 2005 9:38 pm
by ikechukwu
I'm pretty sure that Translator can do this. It can convert any Akai format soundfiles to the EMU format which you can then save to your PC's hard drive.
To get it to the EMU sampler you could either save it to floppy disk (if the files are not too big), transfer it by SCSI from the PC if the PC has a SCSI card.
The easiest way is to buy two cheap ZIP drives (one for the PC and a SCSI one for the sampler) from ebay. Save the file on the PC ZIP and load it into the EMU from the SCSI ZIP.
You would need EOS 4.7 running on the EMU for this to work though becuase the ZIP disks need to be formatted in FAT32 format.

Thu Nov 24, 2005 3:53 am
by dani666xxx
I will try it soon.
Thanks a lot~~~Best wishes for you~

Thu Nov 24, 2005 7:54 pm
by dani666xxx
hi my friend.
I tryed that you told me:)when I cover the akai CD as emu format,the softwae tell me"This translator method not supported yet"
do you know what's wrong?thanks agian:)

Thu Nov 24, 2005 11:22 pm
by ikechukwu
I was wrong...Translator does not support Akai to Emu conversion yet...This is what they say on their website
"Akai/Pulsar/MESA to Emu E4/EOS Translation...
This translation is performed to an acceptable level with the destination instrument itself; this translation has not been programmed yet, but will be at a later date.
Velocity settings are not translated in the built-in EOS translation; we will try and improve this.
The Emu can support a Stereo Sample structure"
It sounds like they are working on it, but in the mean time you will have to use the EMU to do the conversion unless there is other software available that can do the job.
It's strange that the people at Chicken Systems didn't seem to make this conversion a priority. The EMU and Akai samplers are probably the most popular samplers in the world.

Fri Nov 25, 2005 3:45 am
by dani666xxx
Yes~I see:-) anyway~Thank you very much:)