HOWTO: E4x Turbo (Hollywood Gold) and EOS 3.00b

I recently got an E4X Turbo (Hollywood Gold edition) to replace my ESI32. The latter had started making a lot of noise on the board.
I had a hell of a time trying to get the thing to work with my SCSI adapter and Windows XP. We knew we wouldn't be able to use ReCycle with it because the samp we bought only had 1MB of CPU flash, meaning an upgrade to 4.xx EOS was impossible.
When we first plugged the thing into our SCSI adapter and booted the sampler and the PC both crashed; the sampler became non-responsive and the PC would loop infinitely while booting.
Here's how we fixed it:
1) Leave the PC off.
2) Connect all SCSI nonsense.
3) Boot the sampler.
4) Go into the Master setup; select SCSI options.
5) Set SCSI ID to 6. When we set ours to 7 we got <cough> __56__ sampler SCSI devices detected. This setting of course depends on the number of devices in your SCSI chain.
6) Make sure that sampler SCSI termination is ON.
7) Make sure that "SGI on SCSI BUS" is ON and "MAC on SCSI BUS" is OFF.
That's it. Hopefully this post will assist other people who have had a hard time with this. When we were trying to figure it all out Google returned only one hit, and that was from some guy saying "I dunno, it just works for me." Useful as hell, I think.
I recently got an E4X Turbo (Hollywood Gold edition) to replace my ESI32. The latter had started making a lot of noise on the board.
I had a hell of a time trying to get the thing to work with my SCSI adapter and Windows XP. We knew we wouldn't be able to use ReCycle with it because the samp we bought only had 1MB of CPU flash, meaning an upgrade to 4.xx EOS was impossible.
When we first plugged the thing into our SCSI adapter and booted the sampler and the PC both crashed; the sampler became non-responsive and the PC would loop infinitely while booting.
Here's how we fixed it:
1) Leave the PC off.
2) Connect all SCSI nonsense.
3) Boot the sampler.
4) Go into the Master setup; select SCSI options.
5) Set SCSI ID to 6. When we set ours to 7 we got <cough> __56__ sampler SCSI devices detected. This setting of course depends on the number of devices in your SCSI chain.
6) Make sure that sampler SCSI termination is ON.
7) Make sure that "SGI on SCSI BUS" is ON and "MAC on SCSI BUS" is OFF.
That's it. Hopefully this post will assist other people who have had a hard time with this. When we were trying to figure it all out Google returned only one hit, and that was from some guy saying "I dunno, it just works for me." Useful as hell, I think.