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Random Static Noise from Main right output??

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 10:50 pm
by poeticproductions
Hey guys,

I recently noticed some random static noises coming from the right main output. It seems to only happen when cubase is loaded, but no track is playing. I also recently got a new SCSI hard drive, and I updated to EOS 4.70 - could that have anything to do with it?? My SCSI chain looks like this: PC --> ZIP 250 --> Hard Drive --> EMu...

oh, by the way, i have Emu E6400 Ultra, maxed RAM...

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 10:38 pm
by poeticproductions
hey chubs,

i don't have EOS Link running, and I'll try disconnecting the SCSI connections and reply again asap... The only new part to the SCSI chain is the hard drive - i got that 2 weeks ago, but have had the rest of the chain linked up for the last year and never noticed it...

anyone else with any other ideas??

PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 7:09 pm
by AX-AT
i think ive a similar problem, ive a emu5000 ultra with the extra analog outputs.

Im having random loud and distorted noises, i first thougted it was the digital mixer jack input that whas damaged, and i replace it for canon plugs.

But now im having noises again, on one channle of the main output, and on the right channel of the sub 1 output.

Anyone has fixed the analog outputs of the emu? or know a way to fix it?

thanks a lot.
hope we can resolve our probs and get back to work soon!

Ax. :thumbs:

PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 10:27 pm
by poeticproductions
Ola Ax!

What EOS version do you have running? Do you have RFX installed? Apparently, it is a known bug of EOS 4.71 if you have RFX installed...

Mine seems to be working now thanks to this and a few other forums help - all I did was try the flashprep and re-install of EOS 4.61 again, and all has been working since...

another victim of EOS 4.7....

PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 2:58 am
by AX-AT

ive Eos 4.70 installed, Internal 8gb scsi, analog output expansion and no rfx card.

do you think it might be a "Software, Os" problem???

I was about open the emu like a taco to check the plug outputs, but i think i will reconsider reinstalling the Eos later ... im out of zips to backup :cry:



PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 7:39 pm
by AX-AT

do i need to make a bakcup?

and between Eos 4.7 and the previous versions, the only difference i noticed is that the 2 fx presets are stored automaticly into the preset 1 global settings, before i needed to call the preset with the fx global parameters.
any other useful feature im missing here?



PostPosted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 1:47 am
by AX-AT
i just rolled back from Eos 4.7 to 4.61 and it seems to work nice, no noises so far.

It was a emu software bug :cry:

now back to work!
