different toggle wheel question

ok I know about the site witht he toggle wheel repair...my question is this....if say you were buying a emu 6400 ultra with a damaged toggle wheel would your work flow be very difficult? How important is the toggle wheel? And if say it didnt work could you work well with the forward/rewind buttons uderneath.
Do you have to continously press the buttons to go forward or reverse or can you hold them down and they wil scrool?
Thanks alot...I'm looking to become an active member on here with my purchase that is in the works...its just as you can see he said the toggl wheel is damaged...i;d like to know that if in case I don;t repair it is it a waste to buy for 200 quid?
Thanks Dogs
Do you have to continously press the buttons to go forward or reverse or can you hold them down and they wil scrool?
Thanks alot...I'm looking to become an active member on here with my purchase that is in the works...its just as you can see he said the toggl wheel is damaged...i;d like to know that if in case I don;t repair it is it a waste to buy for 200 quid?
Thanks Dogs