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ADAT Expansion problem

Fri Feb 03, 2006 10:28 am
by greenman
i did install an ADAT expansion card into an e6400ultra (WITHOUT RFX).
it says: BOGUS ADAT CARDS installed when booting
but in the multisteup window i can only see the sub outs sub1,sub2 and sub3 (+the main/voice). does anyone have any idea what i must do to access the subs 4 to 7?

Fri Feb 03, 2006 10:49 am
by illinformed
I can only think of few things that could be wrong at the mo.
1. You have an older power supply that can't handle the adat - check your e6400 Ultra serial number, if it's above 0901 (September 2001) then that should be OK.
2. What is the model number of your Adat card. If it's 6866 then you will require an RFX board to run it. The older 6861 model doesn't require the RFX.
3. Faulty ADAT card. Try it in another sampler, do you know anyone locally that also owns an emu?

Fri Feb 03, 2006 10:55 am
by greenman
hi, thx for the answer
i found something in the manual now, maybe one pin is assigned wrong. it says this might be the case when the headline BOGUS ADAT CARD installed shows up
i have to open it up. its the 6861 without rfx, i did have the rfx inside that machine before though, now its inside another one.
but what is this about the power supply? the ultra is quite sure older than sep 2001, in fact seems from 0299

Fri Feb 03, 2006 1:29 pm
by illinformed
The power supply issue was a shot in the dark to be honest. There are a few posts on this forum where people have had trouble hwoever it's only when their Ultras have been loaded up, FRX + internal HD etc. Do you have anything else installed?
It's good that the problem is listed in the manual, it sounds as if it can be resolved providing it is the pin issue. Maybe someone else here has had similar problems? Best of luck.

Sat Feb 04, 2006 2:07 pm
by MFPhouse
does anyone have any idea what i must do to access the subs 4 to 7?
... i don`t understand your Problem.
The Adat outputs are "not" additional to the Analog output.
The have the equal Signal to the Analog out.
So Main is Adat1
SUB 1 Adat 2 ...and so on and so on.
It?s not elegantly but the Truth