Fatal Error-Oh My God!

E6400 classic 4.1v. w/scsi cd rom external.
Just rcvd some Akai S1000 sample discs and while loading one of them I get the Fatal Error, writing to ROM, and a whole bunch of numbers.
I froze, nearly had a heart attack thinking something just failed forever. Then it froze.
Quickly shut down- rebooted and seems to work okay but notice when loading presets folders, etc That once in a while the loading bar and % does not show even thought the preset has loaded.
Seems like everything is okay but i haven't gone too deep to see.
Could it just be the nature of trying to load Akai format, As EOS format cd's still load normally.
Just rcvd some Akai S1000 sample discs and while loading one of them I get the Fatal Error, writing to ROM, and a whole bunch of numbers.
I froze, nearly had a heart attack thinking something just failed forever. Then it froze.
Quickly shut down- rebooted and seems to work okay but notice when loading presets folders, etc That once in a while the loading bar and % does not show even thought the preset has loaded.
Seems like everything is okay but i haven't gone too deep to see.
Could it just be the nature of trying to load Akai format, As EOS format cd's still load normally.