hi having trouble with my e64 ultra can someone help please!

first off greetings to u all. you will probably seeing quite alot of me now i have found this site i am quite new to producing and using samplers etc so please forgive me if i dont make to much sence.i have a emu e64 ultra and untill now seem to be getting to grips with it ok.the problem im having seems to be in the sample edit section of my emu.whene i go to use any tools let's say truncate for example whene sreen pops up with the wave of my sample in it dosent allow me scroll across the screen from the start to the end of my sample.then a sreen pops up saying sample 001 mono start zero! then if i go to sample 1 insted of a kick being there a horible clicking noise has somehow replaced it.a friend of mine said it maybe somthing to do with my oprerating system i recently dowloaded 4.7 from emus website and ive been advised to install an older operating system dose anybody know if this would help? if so can someone tell me where to download one as i can only find 4.7 on emus web site.right hope that made some sence and hope even more somone can help me out as this is driving me up the wall!!!!
manny thanks jim
manny thanks jim