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problem with Emu and zip drive

Wed Mar 15, 2006 1:45 am
by djsolow
My computer is able to recognize both my e6400 Ultra as well as my external CD drive. But when i inorporate my zip drive into the chain windows does not show my e6400 ultra or the external cd drive...anyone have this problem before? Please help

Wed Mar 15, 2006 4:05 am
by Lurkr
Do you have a real SCSI Zip or one of those Zip Plus drives? I think you'll be out of luck if it's a zip plus...
So if it's a SCSI Zip, you should have 2 switches between the scsi connection and the power. Check that termination switch, you don't want it to be terminated. You also want to double check your scsi ID isn't duplicated. If my memory is correct, the zip drive can have either of 2 so make sure it's not conflicting with your CD ROM.

Wed Mar 15, 2006 5:29 pm
by djsolow
thanks for your help but i got it figrued out
I hadn't connected just the Zip drive alone to the computer in for the computer to recognize the unit as a seperate new identity.
I did so and the computer was able to recognize the zip drive (which is scsi using Db25 cable). Then i connected my external scsi cd drive and the emu back on the chain powered everything up and computer last and everything is reading everything.......thanks
p.s. any one have rackears for sale for an e6400?

Thu Mar 16, 2006 8:17 am
by Lurkr
EPR electronics may still sell them new, about $40 I think...