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Installing a hard drive into an Emu...

Tue Apr 15, 2003 1:18 am
by yield
I have a 6400 ultra. I use have an OLD one gig scsi brick of a harddrive inside my computer which I use to save stuff from the emu to. This drive is old and very testy. Sometimes when I save it will lock up and I will lose everything. Bummer. I wanted to install a drive into the sampler. I look inside the sampler itself and I see a scsi cable port on the board but I also see just a little small 4 pinned connection labeled "hd power" on the board aswell. As far as I know most drive power usually comes from a power supply inside a machine. The cables are quite large gauged. I have asked around about the cable needed to connect the drive to the board but everyone thinks I am nuts. Is this a cable that does exist, and being here in a country so backward in technology (USA :lol: ) that I cannot find it? or is it too old to find.. HELP .. I'M SINKING...
One of you must know..

Tue Apr 15, 2003 7:40 am
by sampleandhold
i would see the manufacture of the hd, and see if there is a part number for it. or something like that...
but really, i have heard alot of poeple complain that when they use an internal harddrive, the emu tends to lock up, or the hd crashes.
i have, however haven't heard anyone complain about using a zipdrive.
i personally, if i was going to use a hd, i would just go buy a new small hard drive (5 gigs?) and just load it in and see what happens. if it still doesn't work, sell it on ebay.
good luck though.
i personally have a low tolerance of machines, especially if they are storing large pieces of information. i hate to lose data. that is one of the most infuriating things, that and getting stuck behind some one doing 25 in a 30.

Tue Apr 15, 2003 7:44 am
by cracked_lcd
Check the site, 6301 is the part number and it runs about 30 bucks. And it is faster to call them and place the order than placing it online.

Tue Apr 15, 2003 8:48 pm
by ezman
I've got a 40 gig IDE hard drive in my e5000 - no problems at all (yet!)
You do need the 6301 kit unless you're prepared to dabble with soldering irons an' that. The power cable polarity has been reversed so you can't use just a bog standard one. Check on the yahoo emu5000 group as I 've seen them discuss it there before.

Sun Apr 20, 2003 11:08 pm
by DS-1
I got an IDE hard drive in my emu, no problems at all
Although, i originally bought a 20 gig and it didnt work, i put in a 15 gig (smallest i could find) and it worked no problems. I ordered the ide hook up thing off the emu website, they said you could blow the machine otherwise so i figured what the hell. Cost me like $60 though and it looks EXACTLY like sometihng you could buy at a computer store.
Better safe than sorry though i guess

Mon Apr 21, 2003 1:37 am
by sampleandhold
maybe the guys i talked to were idiots...

Mon Apr 21, 2003 3:01 am
by DS-1
^^^in regards to the connector? Not at all, you could be 100% right

Sat Apr 26, 2003 12:15 pm
by phono
if the sampler is next to a pc and you dont plan on moving it around just place a hd in the pc box and get a scsi header on one of the slots on the pc. Then you can power the hd from the pc psu, and just run a scsi cable from the header to the sampler. Works like a treat for me

Sat Apr 26, 2003 12:56 pm
by nads
Don't buy the kit..It is a ripoff for four screws (as the drive is mounted vertically), and a 50 pin SCSI cable (assuming your drive is 50 pin). Go to your local computer store, get a 50 pin cable(doesn't have to be long) and a standard four pin power cable as used in your PC to power the drives and peripherals-maybe chop one from your P.S.U). Make sure you get the polarities right as you will have to swap the two outside wires over so that the right polarity is going to your drive as on the E-MU board it is the other way around. All it takes is a soldering iron or you can just twist the wires together and insulate well. Get the polarities wrong and you will fuck the mobo, disk or both. It's a pain having the drive outside the Sampler as everytime you power up the C.P.U. the SCSI Hard-Drive powers up aswell, regardless of whether you are using the sampler or not. If you do it this way make sure you have easy access to the wires so you can disconnect it when not using the sampler. When it is in the sampler, you can put it to sleep or the sampler will do it for you after a period of inactivity. All up, it will cost you about $10 U.S. or less. Don't get screwed by E-MU unless you are feeling benevolent....

Sat Apr 26, 2003 3:13 pm
by phono
yeah i agree totally with powering up the drive all the time. Not a problem if you have a dedicated audio machine (which is always on when you are using the sampler)

Sat Apr 26, 2003 6:05 pm
by DS-1
This is why I bought an IDE harddrive. As for orderiing the emu kit? Im sure quite a few of us are uncomfortable with the idea of destroying are investment. Its for THAT reason i shelled out the $60, better that then breaking my baby right? Congrats to those that did it sucsessfully though

Sat Apr 26, 2003 9:23 pm
by ezman
DS-1 wrote: Its for THAT reason i shelled out the $60
Too true, I wasn't comfortable with really careful if you're gonna reverse the polarity of your power cable, or at least have a clue what you're doing
The kit really is a rip off though and it's a shame EMU opted to pull such a cheap (but lucrative) trick.
If you do fuck the mobo I got quoted ?600 a couple of months ago

And that's the cost of the whole damn e5000 these days.

Sun Apr 27, 2003 3:11 am
by nads
making the power connector is so easy that you will cry when you shell out 60 squids.......