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e4xt locks up at boot

PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 2:01 am
by djw
Hi. I just purchased an e4xt via ebay. Unit arrived visibly okay. It powers up ok, OS version is 4.01. 64MB memory. Internal hard drive. Goes through boot process with no problems, and then load up P000, which is labeled "Bosenddorfer 88" showing an initial screen of 16 columns with sliders. All seems good, except, none of the buttons on the front panel work at all. And I can't get any sound out of it - no response from MIDI.

I tried booting off the 4.01 flooy, at which point it prompts me if I want to flash the ROM, [enter] for yes, [quit] for no. Again, can't even select "quit" as the buttons have no effect.

Wondering if something got loosened up in transit?

Any Idea?

Thanks in advance?


PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 2:54 am
by djw
OK, a little progress. Plugged an ASCII keyboard in. Also plugged in headphones. MIDI is working, I can get sounds this way, although the front panel midi indicator light does not work. Also, no sounds out of the outputs - tried them all - and yes, I have the volume knob turned up.

The ASCII keyboard lets me navigate somewhat, but being new to this beast, not really sure how to navigate to different functions.

The front panel buttons still seem to be inoperative.... *sigh*



PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 12:37 pm
by Ole
Hm. I am trying to remember if there is someway to factory reset it. But anyway, you are in multi mode. You may want to change to whole mode, one preset at a time. You do that by connecting your ascii keyboard, and press F6 and F1 (or F6, can't quite remember).

PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 1:57 pm
by djw
Thanks man! Yes, it is in multi-mode for sure. F1 sets it into "Sequence Manage" mode. F6 seems to set up a menu option on the bottom row which appears to correspond to the function keys, yet alas, the function keys are inoperative. *sigh*.

Despite the 400+ page EOS manual that I have, there is nothing that discusses the mappings of the ASCII keyboard. Does anyone have any info on this or know where it canbe found?

ANd yes, I agree that resetting the unit hopefully would do the trick, but again, nothing in the EOS manual about how to do this. ALthough I suspect that it will involve using some of the front panel buttons, which is a catch-22 here... :(

I still can't get any outoput from the main outs, although the headphone jack does work.

I'm trying to figure out if the unit is essentially defective/inoperative, that is, has a hardware problem, in which case I will send it back to the seller, or if it is just in a hosed up software state and needs to be reset.

Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated!


PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 2:23 pm
by djw
ok, one more update - figured out that the F-keys on the keyboard map to the F buttons on the front panel - duh - and now at least I can maneuver around a bit - selected "whole" mode as suggested, can browse the HD for banks and presets, etc, all that seems to work.

But, still no way to get into "master" mode or wherever the outputs are defined, and still no luck with getting any of the front panel buttons to work.


PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 3:09 am
by djw
Making progress. Got sound now, and figuring out the ascii keyboard.
Alt-M - Master Mode
Alt-P - Preset Mode
Alt-S - Sample Manage
Alt-D - Sample Edit
Alt-A - Voice Main Menu

The unit appears to be fully functional, with the exception of the front panel buttons.

This presents a problem, because if I want to upgrade the EOS from 4.01 to a more recent version, I need to be able to use the front panel buttons.

Besides, it is very inconvenient to have to have the ascii keyboard plugged in all the time considering this is a rack mount unit.

I suppose I should consider opening this puppy up and taking alook - anyone have any experience with how the front panel buttons connect to the unit? Perhaps it will be obvious when I open it up.

Any comments would be useful.



PostPosted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 6:50 pm
by altus
Sounds like the button board is disconnected. It connects to the main board via a ribbon cable. It will be very obvious once you pop the cover off. Good luck!