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EOS4.7 -->E6400

Fri Aug 08, 2003 4:43 pm
by kotto
What happen when I try to flash the EOS4.7 into my E6400 (4.62, 2MB Flash)?
It is possible or dangerous?

Sat Aug 09, 2003 4:40 am
by Rascal Revenge
Neither possible nor dangerous. Trying to flash on Non-Ultra will do nothing. Will not accept Software and then boot just as normal 4.62.
Kotto, do me a favor please: You?re the first person I found that really has this 4.62 (btw. the last for Non-Ultras), can you tell me if they added that Synth attack parameter the Ultra-Range has inplemented in MASTER>SETUP>TUNE (should be under "F3 Audition Key"). Thx in advance. Regs Rascal
Synth Attack

Sat Aug 09, 2003 2:21 pm
by kotto
Hey Rascal Revenge
In EOS 4.62 the SynthAttack parameter is implemented (fast/legacy)!
Can you tell me which causes the parameter?
regs kotto