IDE hard drive, used to work fine, now works intermittently

Hi, has anyone else notcied this problem?
About 2 years ago, I installed a Maxtor 40 Gig IDE hard drive into my E6400 Ultra, with the standard IDE installation kit. Worked fine for a long time, but recently the drive has stopped appearing in the browser window.
My first check was to open the unit, reconnect all cables. This worked, the drive appeared again, but the next time I turned it off it had dissapeared.
This seems to happen consistently, once you disconnect and reconnect all cables the drive will work. But once you turn it off again it dissapears.
Not sure what to try next, different IDE cable? new power supply? different hard drive?
Anyone with any similar experiences out there?
About 2 years ago, I installed a Maxtor 40 Gig IDE hard drive into my E6400 Ultra, with the standard IDE installation kit. Worked fine for a long time, but recently the drive has stopped appearing in the browser window.
My first check was to open the unit, reconnect all cables. This worked, the drive appeared again, but the next time I turned it off it had dissapeared.
This seems to happen consistently, once you disconnect and reconnect all cables the drive will work. But once you turn it off again it dissapears.
Not sure what to try next, different IDE cable? new power supply? different hard drive?
Anyone with any similar experiences out there?