Hi Folks I am new to this forum. I recently bought the 1212m and have problems recording getting sx and other applications to record my Turntable and other sources.
I have read the instructions and still cant get it going.
Anybody willing to help me sort this matter out before I thro the whole computer out the window. A waste I do agree.
Thanks to any who respond.
Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 8:55 am
by art
You may want to try posting your question in the Emulator X section. you're in the hardware sampler section.
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 1:04 am
by Hallifax
yes you should post in the Emulator X area... regardless, you are probably having difficulty getting the patchmix (mixer) setup correctly. Make sure in Cubase you have the E-MU Asio driver selected as the soundcard. You might need to "insert" an Asio send on the channel you're plugged into in the patchmix mixer. If your having problems try opening one of the templates and see if that helps, Careful! One of the templates caused a wicked feedback loop for me and I had to adjust that template and save it as a mixer setup. Call E-MU tech support and they should help you get it figured out if you still have problems...
Posted: Thu Dec 28, 2006 1:19 am
by neurobassist
many thanks people. I ended up phoning them in ireland. They have me recording my first turntable tracks at last.