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Help! Midi Maschine Control MMC

PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 2:07 pm
by MFPhouse
I have an Emu Darwin Harddisk Recorder and want to Control the Sequencer in the EMU E4XT via the Transport Buttons from the Darwin.

The manual said the Emu Sampler recieved MMC anyway default.

But it don?t work. :-(((((

What do i wrong?????

Darwin midi out - in EMU E4XT Midi A .

EOS 4.7

Darwin Eos 2.50

Please Help! Thanks!

PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 11:05 am
by MFPhouse
Anybody out there who can help me? :cry:


PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:41 am
by Ole
I have no experience with the darwins...

PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 11:26 pm
by Adam-V
I have no experience with the Darwin either but I would check the following:
Are you sure the Darwin is capable of sending MMC?
Is there a menu setting somewhere that turns it on or off?
Are you sending and receiving on the same MIDI channel?
The MIDI connection you mentioned is OK but is your MIDI lead OK?
On most instruments the ability to respond to MMC is configurable. I can't remember off hand, but do you need to change a setting in the sampler to allow it to respond to MMC?

Hope this helps,

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 12:51 am
by vermis_rex
On page 29 of the Darwin (uh, I assume 1.0) manual, under the heading "How it all works" in the section "Synchronizing with a sequencer"...

DARWIN and the sequencer are both controlled by the sequencer transport controls. When you press PLAY, the sequencer puts itself into play, but waits for the external clock. The MMC Play command is simultaneously sent out to DARWIN. On receiving the MMC Play command, DARWIN begins playing and sends MIDI Time Code back to the sequencer which starts and tracks in perfect synchronization.

So... it would seem that it's the sequencer transport controls you would work with, not the ones on the DARWIN. Remember to set the sequencer clock source to external on the sampler's sequencer. Turn on MTC Out in Darwin, and set MMC Mode to Closed Loop (meaning you have the sequencer MIDI In and Out connected to the Darwin MIDI Out and In respectively... you must connect both... it's not necessarily the brightest design, but I'm sure the MIDI committee thought it was a good idea at the time).

*Note: No guarantees implied or offered. I'm just sussing this from the manual, as I have never actually encountered the Darwin hardware (although I did see two systems up for sale in one week on eBay back last year).

PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2007 10:06 am
by MFPhouse
Thank you all!

I contakted the Emu Support. Yes ! There is still one Guy ( David) who support the old Hardware Gear.
He said it?s perhapst a Bug of the Eos 4.7 and i have to go back to 4.62.But i won?t. I need the realtime Mod of the Resonats.

So i update now Logic Audio and try my best with this Sequencer.

C`est domage

A bien Tot
