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ZoeOS end-of-lifed?

Sat May 17, 2008 1:21 pm
by exdc
Am trying to control my Classic e6400, using 4.62, from a Dell laptop running XP Pro. USB out to an eMagic amt8, from there bidirectional MIDI to the e6400. Downloaded ZoeOS, the 1.41 evaluation version.
Java exceptions occurred (I won't repoat them here) while starting ZoeOS.
Downloaded the Java software on the zuonics site, installed it: same java exceptions.
Downloaded and installed the latest java from sun, same exceptions.
Btw: appropriate restarts at each change.
Is there any reason to expect this to work?

Sat May 17, 2008 11:22 pm
by om
Actually , I had a similar problem. The problem is that the installer used for Zoeos has a bug in it when you use any java runtime past 1.4.2. If you use the 1.4.2 (and this is just for the install) runtime there is no problem. I even tried this on a 64 bit machine and it worked after thinking that the problem was 64 bit related. I put in a support email to zuonics and got a token response that simply said that zoeos was not supported on 64 bit machines though I can confirm it does work.
End of Life? Zoeos is a sensitive topic on this forum. Many person's on the forum invested alot of trust and hope in the product and the developer who just simply stopped developing the product after several people here had bought in and actively supported it. There were alot of promises made by the developer who simply did not deliver and even worse has not had the grace or courtesy to offer alternative paths for the product to customer's who invested their trust in Zoeos/zuonics. In my opinion, one thing the developer could have done would be to open source the code base, though this has been mentioned before with no response from zuonics. At the time, I believe I even stood up for the Zoeos developer (being a developer myself) because at the time I honestly did not think the developer would choose the option where everybody would lose. In hindsight this turned out to be the case and now I can understand the contempt many forumites feel about this topic and I share their feelings.

Sun May 18, 2008 2:04 am
by exdc
any chance of downgrading my java install to 1.42 without mucking up the whole computer?

Sun May 18, 2008 2:49 am
by om
One thing you could try is
1. Uninstall all java on your computer
2. Install JRE 1.4.2
3. Install ZOEOS and ensure it runs correctly. If you can get past the exception you described and you can see the main page then it's all good.
4. Install the latest and greatest Java runtime or your preferred JRE version.
Note: ZOEOS works correctly with version 5 JRE's/JDK's the issue is that the installer doesn't like the later JRE's/JDK's, so once it's installed your good to go. Also, you do the above at your own risk. If your computer is absolutely critical to your existence and you are uncomfortable with the above then I might recommend getting a computer savvy friend to help out. (sorry, that's the fine print)
Good luck. Let me know how you go.

Sun May 18, 2008 1:22 pm
by alien_brain
yeah it requires an old version of java but then it performs as specified.

Sun May 18, 2008 1:25 pm
by alien_brain
om wrote:End of Life? Zoeos is a sensitive topic on this forum. Many person's on the forum invested alot of trust and hope in the product and the developer who just simply stopped developing the product after several people here had bought in and actively supported it. There were alot of promises made by the developer who simply did not deliver and even worse has not had the grace or courtesy to offer alternative paths for the product to customer's who invested their trust in Zoeos/zuonics. In my opinion, one thing the developer could have done would be to open source the code base, though this has been mentioned before with no response from zuonics. At the time, I believe I even stood up for the Zoeos developer (being a developer myself) because at the time I honestly did not think the developer would choose the option where everybody would lose. In hindsight this turned out to be the case and now I can understand the contempt many forumites feel about this topic and I share their feelings.
zoiks! i hear ya on that one. did emu pay him off?

Wed May 21, 2008 2:20 am
by soulboy
I had the same problem and got it working by installing an old version of Java.
I am interested in this software but the author doesn't answer emails so I haven't bought it yet. I might anyway but its a shame.
Zoeos runtime exceptions

Mon Jun 09, 2008 4:41 pm
by info
ZoeOS does not work with any of Java 6 versions. The solution is to install Java 5.
If anybody wants the ZoeOS source code I would be happy to share it.
Re: Zoeos runtime exceptions

Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:44 pm
by rhythmsickness
info wrote:Hi
ZoeOS does not work with any of Java 6 versions. The solution is to install Java 5.
If anybody wants the ZoeOS source code I would be happy to share it.
Would you be happy making ZoeOs an Open Source Project now? As this may possibly be the only way to continue to develop what is one of the last working methods of interfacing with the EMU's
I am also interested.
Re: Zoeos runtime exceptions

Mon Jun 09, 2008 10:57 pm
by alien_brain
info wrote:Hi
ZoeOS does not work with any of Java 6 versions. The solution is to install Java 5.
If anybody wants the ZoeOS source code I would be happy to share it.
wow. i am interested.
alienbrain at gmail dot com
let me know!
Re: Zoeos runtime exceptions

Tue Jun 10, 2008 10:33 pm
by art
info wrote:If anybody wants the ZoeOS source code I would be happy to share it.
I'm assuming this means we won't be getting that Windows maintenance release you mentioned a year ago?
And I realize a Mac version is out of the question, but whatever happened to this?:
"15th September 2005
OK, it's been a while since there has been an update. Right now ZoeOS v1.5 for Windows is under development..."

Sun Jun 22, 2008 12:14 am
by kalide
Any update on getting the source code ?
Open Sourcing this would be the way forward. There's scsi on the mac at least in some form (see my other post), so hacking could be possible here for JVM/Mac OS X.
However, even just having an updated Open Source'd PC version would be very sweet indeed - even it it was donation ware to the maintainers/original author.

Sun Jun 22, 2008 6:43 am
by rhythmsickness
I havent heard anything back from info, although i have only posted here about it.