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My E6400 is possesed!

PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2003 10:24 pm
by rezone
I got the problem sorted now, but maybe someone can explain what happened...

I was setting up a preset for ANOTHER synth (P2K) in the Cubase Patch Manager. For some bizzarre reason after several minutes, my E-MU crashed with a FATAL ERROR message. Luckily I had everything saved, so I just went for the instant reboot.

Fires up.... FATAL ERROR.... "thats not right"... "ok let it cool down for a minute"...* grab a drink *... boot up....... FATAL ERROR, "hmmm, this isn't right..... exit Cubase/ shut down PC.... REBOOT...... FATAL ERROR.....SHUT DOWN..... REBOOT.... FATAL ERROR... REBOOT.. FATAL ERROR. REBOOT/ FATAL ERROR..............................>

shut off my proteus 2000,,,, Reboot E6400

*EOS Screen*

*Mounting SCSI*

Back up and running!

Now can someone explain if my CPU is shut off, my proteus is preventing my E-mu from booting up? I just tried it again with the Cubase Patch Manager... same thing happened.


PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2003 3:30 am
by rezone
OK maybe it wasn't Cubase at all.... my studio is possesed!

Now I can't get any sounds out my main outputs! And its telling me the effects card is not installed! I'm not to concerned with the effects, never use them anyway. But my real concern is my main outputs are generating some funny noise, and I can't get a bloody sound out of them!

I was in middle of a tightly scheduled session , so I just worked around the problem for now, sharing channels.

Any advise anyone, I don't see myself loosing work time by bringing this bitch in for a repair. If it comes down to it, I'll be 2 channels shy on my beloved E6400. :cry:

PostPosted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 12:56 am
by phono
sounds like either a power or heat issue, at least i would check these first, otherwise its probabyl time for a service :cry:

PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 5:53 am
by rezone
Problem was sorted some time ago. Just a strange series of events. Essentially it was my FX card crapping out. I disabled it & now everything is running tip top.
Word of advice... stay away from the RFX. Its a waste of money & the FX aren't anything special.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2003 8:44 pm
by cm_locuss
thanks rezone! looks like i blew $279 USD for nuttin :cry: oh well, its still under warranty anyways. probally will send it away to get it fixed, but i think its a bitch that the customer has to pay shipping on a faulty product... whatever. rezone, your right anyway about the fx not being up to what everybody says they are......should have saved my money and put it towards a tc fireworx...anyways...easy :slayer: