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Please help (i need just 3 presets from EMU bank)

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 9:23 am
by maky357
First of all take my apology for bad typing. As some already know i managed to wipe my whole HDD in new e64k (viewtopic.php?t=2800) :???:
And now i am trying to restore at least some of my working content. So i really need some good soul and generous help. I need just 3. presets from original E-MU volumes. Someone could extract them in one bank and send it to me via mail. It should not be bigger then 3 or 4 mb.

Preset is called "Relevation" and it was in three version. "Relevation" and "Relevation life" and "Relevation life 2". I can not recall is it "Relevation life" or "Relevation link" but you get the picture. I need all 3 of them in standard EOS bank file (.e4b)

Preset was saved under bank "Textures". I also can not recall in which exactly volume-bank it was , but it was something like:

Emulator Standards - Textures - "Relevation","Relevation life",etc. - or
Sound FX - Textures - "Relevation"... - or
Emu Classsics - Textures - "Relevation"...

Believe it or not (ironic a bit) it was my first preset played on e64k and i used that preset immediately in one project. Now i am trying to restore it.Hopefully someone will understand...

You can send me pm with download link or something or you can just zip that bank and send it to

Thank you for your time.


PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 4:50 pm
by kalide
As others have posted, there's some CD-Rom images of sample libraries on this site:

Not sure if they contain the presets you are after......good luck!

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 5:55 pm
by maky357
i found this site few days ago. That archive does not contain what i need(but it is useful) but thank you for your help anyway. Hopefully someone will jump in. :loveit: :slayer:

PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 10:18 pm
by gcoudert
There is a bank called "Texture Jam", which is bank 001 on the EIIIx "E-mu Classics Vol. 7" CD. "Revelation" sounds familiar too. I may be able to help you but I have no idea how to extract a single bank/preset in whatever format that may be. If you know how to, let me know and I'll try my best to help you out...


PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 11:33 am
by maky357
gcoudert wrote:There is a bank called "Texture Jam", which is bank 001 on the EIIIx "E-mu Classics Vol. 7" CD. "Revelation" sounds familiar too. I may be able to help you but I have no idea how to extract a single bank/preset in whatever format that may be. If you know how to, let me know and I'll try my best to help you out...


Yes that's it!! :thumbs: It should be very simple. Which EOS you have? v4.7?

I mean i am new to this but i already know few possible ways. You need to load that three preset from that bank in empty bank(you have empt bank right after you start your sampler). Just select preset Revelation and load it in 000, next(i think it is revelation link) in 001 and next(i think it is revelation link2) in 002. Then you can save that 3 presets like bank in floppy or zip drive.If your EM_U is v4.7 i belive you can save it on FAT fromated floppy. Then you can easily red it in PC and send it to me via mail. I don't know how big it is but it should be small. If you have floppy you can save it to floppy one by one or all three. If you have zip then there is no problem about space. Process is same. So basically you need to transfer them to pc. My english is terrible but hopefully you will get the picture.

And possibly someone will help also (kalide?)

btw there is even simpler way. Go here : and download Translator free here: ...

After you install Translator you can put that Vol 7 in your PC. It won't load since Windows can't see EOS CD filesystem but don't worry. When CD is in your PC, in your desktop create folder "EMU extract" run Translator free. After you see Translator boot screen you can start Translator by clicking on Start Translator Free button.

Now in the left side you will see list of your CD/DVD devices, Your desktop etc..Like in standard explorer. And your emu CD will be listed there. If you click on that EMU icon YOU WILL see all EMU Vol 7 content :slayer: Now you can just browse and you can for example drag whole "Textures" bank to your desktop. To do this in Translator from the right side just drag "Textures" bank and drop it in left side where you see "Emu extract" folder. When you try to do this Translator Screen will pop up. From that list you must click on "Eos Fat filesystem (.e4b)" and that is all. I know this is working since i am doing it all the time :slayer:

Now you can close translator and you will see whole Textures bank in your "EMU extract "folder. Then you can send it by mail like zip or rar!


PostPosted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 10:52 pm
by gcoudert
OK, I'll give it a go...

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:11 am
by maky357
:slayer: weeeeeee :pimp: :biglaugh:

If you need some help just ask. With translator you don't need to power up your emu at all. Just CD and your PC (in case you are worried to loose data in your HDD or something).

PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:11 am
by maky357
Forgot to mention...Above scenario with translator is ok only if your Sample CD is in eos bank format. So you choose Bank from left and when conversion window pop up you must select "Emu EOS FAT Bank (.e4b)"

But if translator is listing ESI format in your CD content then when conversion window pop up in translator, you must select "Emu E3X Bank (.e3x)" - this is because of buggy translator conversion..Selecting any other format will result in non reading or empty bank in hardware sampler...

PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:05 pm
by gcoudert
e4b format is not supported in the free version of the software but e3x worked. The bank is on its way as I write these lines.


PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:56 pm
by gcoudert
Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

Subject: E-mu Textures bank in EIIIx format
Sent: 23/01/2009 22:03

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552 Sorry, that message exceeds the maximum message length.

Sorry, the e-mail bounced; the attachment is too large (21Mb zipped)!

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:01 am
by maky357
ok i am sending you my private gmail address. They allow 100mb attachment :)
PM sent...thank you so much!!! :thumbs: :slayer: :pimp: :biglaugh: :grin:

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 12:58 pm
by gcoudert
Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

Subject: E-mu bank
Sent: 24/01/2009 10:25

The following recipient(s) cannot be reached:

'' on 24/01/2009 10:46
552 Sorry, that message exceeds the maximum message length.

Erm... same problem... :???: :cry:

PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:14 pm
by gcoudert
OK, it's on SendSpace. That should solve the problem!

The link is:


PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 5:26 pm
by maky357
Downloading right now :thumbs: I dont understand what's the thing with attachments but i have few of them bigger then 50mb in my gmail.

But thaaaank you soooo much for all your efforts!!!
