Please help (i need just 3 presets from EMU bank)

First of all take my apology for bad typing. As some already know i managed to wipe my whole HDD in new e64k (viewtopic.php?t=2800)
And now i am trying to restore at least some of my working content. So i really need some good soul and generous help. I need just 3. presets from original E-MU volumes. Someone could extract them in one bank and send it to me via mail. It should not be bigger then 3 or 4 mb.
Preset is called "Relevation" and it was in three version. "Relevation" and "Relevation life" and "Relevation life 2". I can not recall is it "Relevation life" or "Relevation link" but you get the picture. I need all 3 of them in standard EOS bank file (.e4b)
Preset was saved under bank "Textures". I also can not recall in which exactly volume-bank it was , but it was something like:
Emulator Standards - Textures - "Relevation","Relevation life",etc. - or
Sound FX - Textures - "Relevation"... - or
Emu Classsics - Textures - "Relevation"...
Believe it or not (ironic a bit) it was my first preset played on e64k and i used that preset immediately in one project. Now i am trying to restore it.Hopefully someone will understand...
You can send me pm with download link or something or you can just zip that bank and send it to
Thank you for your time.

And now i am trying to restore at least some of my working content. So i really need some good soul and generous help. I need just 3. presets from original E-MU volumes. Someone could extract them in one bank and send it to me via mail. It should not be bigger then 3 or 4 mb.
Preset is called "Relevation" and it was in three version. "Relevation" and "Relevation life" and "Relevation life 2". I can not recall is it "Relevation life" or "Relevation link" but you get the picture. I need all 3 of them in standard EOS bank file (.e4b)
Preset was saved under bank "Textures". I also can not recall in which exactly volume-bank it was , but it was something like:
Emulator Standards - Textures - "Relevation","Relevation life",etc. - or
Sound FX - Textures - "Relevation"... - or
Emu Classsics - Textures - "Relevation"...
Believe it or not (ironic a bit) it was my first preset played on e64k and i used that preset immediately in one project. Now i am trying to restore it.Hopefully someone will understand...
You can send me pm with download link or something or you can just zip that bank and send it to
Thank you for your time.