Problems Updating to EOS 4.7

Hi All,
First post from a new Emulator user.
I have just brought a e6400 upgraded to EIVxt Ultra running EOS 4.6.1. I would like to upgrade EOS to 4.7 so I can use FAT32 disks to allow easier file interchange with a computer.
I firstly tried the EOS file on the Emu website with no luck. I have now tried the EOS files on the "files" section of with no luck either.
I have copied the .dli file on to several brand new floppies with OSX.5 and XP and every time when I boot the EIV it fails to recognize the update disk.
Is there something simple I am missing? Is there a key combination that I have to hold during boot to force the EIV to look at the floppy drive for an OS update? I have discovered that if I hold [ENTER] down during boot the EIV will look for an update via MIDI.
I really have looked high and low on the internerd and can't find much information (Yes I have read the EOS manual).
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks, Nine
First post from a new Emulator user.
I have just brought a e6400 upgraded to EIVxt Ultra running EOS 4.6.1. I would like to upgrade EOS to 4.7 so I can use FAT32 disks to allow easier file interchange with a computer.
I firstly tried the EOS file on the Emu website with no luck. I have now tried the EOS files on the "files" section of with no luck either.
I have copied the .dli file on to several brand new floppies with OSX.5 and XP and every time when I boot the EIV it fails to recognize the update disk.
Is there something simple I am missing? Is there a key combination that I have to hold during boot to force the EIV to look at the floppy drive for an OS update? I have discovered that if I hold [ENTER] down during boot the EIV will look for an update via MIDI.
I really have looked high and low on the internerd and can't find much information (Yes I have read the EOS manual).
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks, Nine