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Newbie E4XT Ultra/ROM question

PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2009 10:50 am
by rutgerv
Hi there,

This week my E4XT Ultra arrived (after winning it on Ebay). It has a ROM card onboard, but I'm experiencing some problems with loading the sounds of the ROM card.
Firstly I don't know which type it is (E-Synth, Orbit/Phatt, other?), the person I bought it from doesn't know it either.....
When loading the contents of the EROM bank of the ROM card (D11 ROM Disk, bank B000 EROM 2 V 1.0A) the first sample is "Bass Hum", does anybody know to what ROM card this belongs?

Next thing is the sequence of loading things, what do I have to do in order to get the sounds sounding as they should. On the HD there's a ROM presets map containing the following:
B000 Ultra E-Synth
B001 Ultra Sessions
B002 E-Synth/Sessions

Problem is that when loading one of these 3 bank I get sounds, but they aren't mapped like they should be. Stereo Grand is a Synthbass, etc....
To me it looks like the ROM preset maps don't belong to the ROM card....

Furthermore there's a floppy disk with this map: "B000 Get SetBank".

Could one of you diehard E-mu users please help me out!



Re: Newbie E4XT Ultra/ROM question

PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2009 7:30 pm
by stu
You have the Orbit/Phatt ROM. I think I have the preset disk somewhere so I'll have a look later and upload it when I find it.

Re: Newbie E4XT Ultra/ROM question

PostPosted: Fri May 01, 2009 8:04 pm
by rutgerv
Hi Stu,

Thanks for your reply! It would be fantastic if you could upload the disk, I'd really appreciate it!!

Re: Newbie E4XT Ultra/ROM question

PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2009 3:02 pm
by stu
Here are the files I was able to find:

Ultra E-Synth is for the E-synth ROM.

Ultra Sessions and Ultra Sessions X are for the Orbit/Phat ROM - they seem to have the same presets, so I don't know what the difference is between them.

Instructions for installing the presets can be found in the files section of the website.

Re: Newbie E4XT Ultra/ROM question

PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2009 5:07 pm
by altus

E-Synth bank is for the E-Synth ROM. (derf)

Sessions bank is for the Orbit/Phatt ROM.

E-Synth/Sessions bank is when you have BOTH the E-Synth and Orbit/Phatt ROMs installed - you get the patches from the first and second banks all together.

Depending on which ROM you have, make sure it's enabled in the system settings, then clear your memory, load the appropriate bank to RAM, then save it to Flash. This way you have an instant ROMpler (presets are available immediately after boot).

Re: Newbie E4XT Ultra/ROM question

PostPosted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 10:29 pm
by zoors

You wont believe what help that post of floppybanks did for many of us. And for tiresome EMU.

I think it is discusting by a corporation as EMU to not include these "must have" files on their download support page, in order to make the machine work.
I accidently erased my EE and found that these disks was essential to bring this mother back to life (Esynth Ultra)
I have search them for many hours now. EMU should pay my time...
Some say there was a original CD these files where at, but I did not get it either. Just so you other guys now, they are on a original CD that came with the machine.

Again, thank you very much, stu. 8-)

The source of all evil

Re: Newbie E4XT Ultra/ROM question

PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 7:38 pm
by JimmyMakhaisingh
stu wrote:Here are the files I was able to find:

Ultra E-Synth is for the E-synth ROM.

Ultra Sessions and Ultra Sessions X are for the Orbit/Phat ROM - they seem to have the same presets, so I don't know what the difference is between them.

Instructions for installing the presets can be found in the files section of the website.

Newbe here,

Just received my E4 platinum, is in this unit also the rom synths installed?
I saw on the harddrive a romfolder and there are the banks in it as describe above, so i loaded the bank and saw all the presets as in the download link but dont hear anything...the other banks i can hear...

i loaded one of the rombanks and it said it loaded 22mb...
how can i check if these are installed and so how can i make these work...


Re: Newbie E4XT Ultra/ROM question

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 7:16 pm
by aaron abeyta
hi, i have the same problem, rom presets load but no sound. all other folders and banks work fine.
does any one out there have a solution?

Re: Newbie E4XT Ultra/ROM question

PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 8:09 pm
by aaron abeyta
ok, i opened up my E4xt ultra, and i can clearly see the e-synth and obit/phat rom simm cards are missing.
ive searched ebay and all over the web for these, does any one know where i can purchase these rom simm cards?