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uncontrolled panning

PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 11:30 pm
by division2000

i have Platinum hooked up to the 16 chn rackmount Samson mixer...
channels on Samson are in stereo pairs...

what i experienced, and its very very annoying, is following:

most of the time when i have kick playing, i can clearly hear attack of the kick initially playing from either side [left of right]...

it seems that only attack of the kick is being played left or right, while with kicks with attacks that are not built of high frequencies, this is far less noticable...
i thought that some virtual modulation patches are employed on that presets so i went erasing all of default patching, but same problem is there...

i can not believe...anybody have or had or heard for same problem?

please reply, i will be thankfull


PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 11:54 pm
by rezone
Wierd, sounds likes some sort of phasing problem. The problem could be either with your mixer (being stereo for each channel) or your midi controller & sequencer is doubling the notes. Plug in a pair of headphones into the Emu & see if the panning is happening at the source. If not, its probably coming from your desk. I'm not familiar with the Samson boards, but try to isolate the kick drum on a mono channel and see if the problem persists. You want to keep frequencies, like kicks, mono panned dead center.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 2:04 am
by cm_locuss
sometimes,..hmmm not sure how to explain this, o.k. lets say i've got my hats on a stereo channel, after being in the studio for a long time (5-6 hours) i noticed that theres almost like an instant hi pass put on certain hits and whenever it does this, that filterd hit is panned either left or right. this only happens when i,ve been using my sampler for at least 4 hours. this sounds simaler to your problem division2000....unless my board (mackie 24-8) is fucked and cancels out all frequencies below 10K..i don't know...easy

PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 2:04 pm
by division2000
cm_locuss / what system u run?
i am at 4.61 EOS Platinum

what u explained sounds excatly what i have here...damn...
and by pressing the "audition" button again and again, it shows that its not constant thing...thats where i came to [miss]conclusion that it has to do something with velocity to pan setting...

rezone / its happening regardless the mixer as i checked it through phone out on the EMU...

i ve been very bussy past few months and been making music rarely, but now i intend to work more and its a pain to discover that lovely machine is making this kind of unacceptable "effects"...

anybody else...geee, i need to write to emu again... :sad:



PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 5:16 pm
by cm_locuss
division2000, i'm running 4.61 as well. i guess i'm just gonna wait untill they release a more stable os (than 4.7) untill i take this to e-mu HQ :cry:
untill then may be the ol' hammer technique will work...easy

PostPosted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 3:32 am
by rezone
What kind of sequencing software are you using btw? Another idea may be you have some sort of modulation drawn in. Maybe your hitting your mod-wheel during playback & its recording this, leaving it stuck with an Lfo triggered to some effect. Check out the parameters in your midi work.

I dunno just throwing out ideas, happened to me in the past.

EMU support

PostPosted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 1:16 pm
by division2000

rezone / if u read my post u will see that no modulation is employed and that its not connected with sequencer as it happens with :audition: button as well...

this is what i got from EMU support:

:::Go to Master/Utils/Tests.
When prompted for the password, type 1358.

This will put you in the diagnostics/servicing menu of the sampler. You
should beware that there are tests in this menu that will destroy the
data on any connected hard drives, so we do not recommend that you
attempt to run tests that you are not sure of from this menu.

To initialize the unit, select the 'More' option. From the next list of
softkeys that appear, choose 'Init EE'.

This will reinitialize the EEProm in your Ultra sampler.:::

cm_lokus / if u try this, please post the outcome...



PostPosted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 5:50 pm
by illinformed
Any chance of recording the problem and posting it as a wav file somewhere? It may be the phase problem that has given emu many complaints in the past. There was huge discussion on the emusaic list somewhere that I could probably dig up and post on here.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 11:41 pm
by division2000
illinformed wrote:Any chance of recording the problem and posting it as a wav file somewhere? It may be the phase problem that has given emu many complaints in the past. There was huge discussion on the emusaic list somewhere that I could probably dig up and post on here.

please find me that discussion...i can try to record, but at the moment i am too bussy...still have to contact few other emu people to confirm above sometimes you can get in a depper s***t digging initializations...


PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 10:06 am
by illinformed
Just out of curiosity, are you using an RFX card?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 10:27 am
by division2000
yes, i am using full filled platinum...but kicks are not going thru effects in this case...


PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 4:24 pm
by illinformed
I was basically advised that the problem is more than likely with the rfx card, even though you are not using effects the sound signal is still being sent through a ceratin Bus. I was advised to take the rfx card out and see if the problems still arise however I've never been able to take it out because of lack of time at the moment. If you have the time it would be interesting to see the results.

Some Banks I have bounce all over the place where as others dont seem to be affected as much. One suggestion that I think worked was to convert mono samples to stereo - not so good if you have a 100 meg bank already.

I do remember having the same sort of problem with a non ultra e6400 way before the rfx but nowhere near as bad as it has been on my ultra. Even though, it was still worrying for a piece of kit to do that and I can remember a number of furious e6400 owners kicking a fuss up quite a while ago.

I was advised that the problem may possibly be solved through new software however I have the feeling the finance to do so was not being made available.

PostPosted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 4:59 pm
by division2000
still waiting for another emu opinion...the first one is posted above...i am not going to take rfx time and too much hassle...

PostPosted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 2:39 am
by cm_locuss
division2000...i've tried to reinitialize EEprom about a month ago. the problem still persists. last night my creative juices were flowing so i went to the studio turned my system on and after about 15 minutes the random high passed panning filter began so i got pissed and went to my girls...anyways, sunday i will be home again and i'm going to remove my rfx card. after the night is over i'll let you know what the outcome was...easy :spliff:

PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 12:23 am
by division2000
i did EPROM thing as well...didnt help as u can guess...

got two answers from EMU

#1...remove the rfx card and see what happens
#2...ship the unit to the nearest EMU service [where is that?:( california] as this is most likely fault on motherboard???

its like buying a BMW and unmounting the wheels...

is it possible to use 16 outputs with RFX???????

can we do anything about this damn problem???i still have 2 months of warranty that i hoped to never use...

give me some reply...anybody :cry: :cry: