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Longer than normal boot-up time & where is the dli file ?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 2:28 pm
by grenham
I recently took my floppy drive out of my 6400 Ultra to help another forumite - he didn't have a floppy and needed to update his OS.
Straightforward enough and re-mounted the drive in mine, but now I notice the boot-up is taking a lot longer than normal.
First it says floppy drive found and goes through it's normal routine but hangs for over a minute during "128mb of sound memory installed"!
Eventually it defaults to where it should, but I'm noticing other features are not changing as fast as they should - it seems somethings corrupted the OS and when I install a floppy to replace the OS (I've tried 4.61 and 4.7) it just continues to boot as normal, not recognising that I've put a floppy in the drive.

Has the fact that I've taken out, and then put back in, the floppy drive caused all of this ?

Any way to get it back to normal ?

Have now just read a post regarding loading an OS through midi. I've got E Loader but can't find the required dli file it needs. How come this is so hard to find ?


Re: Longer than normal boot-up time & where is the dli file ?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 2:35 pm
by stu
Sounds like the floppy is not connected properly. Check the cabling is the right way round and the pins are all lined up. Also check floppy power cable. No need to reflash the OS, just get the floppy sorted and it'll be ok.

Re: Longer than normal boot-up time & where is the dli file ?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 3:45 pm
by grenham
Sound advice indeed !

I replaced the drive with a known PC working one - and the same thing.
Ran through the tests for floppy (didn't quite know what to make of the results) and then put the original
drive back.

Wondered whether I'd put the 4 pin connector the same way ...... voila ! everything back to normal :grin:


Re: Longer than normal boot-up time & where is the dli file ?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 4:53 pm
by stu
Glad you got it sorted! :grin: