Issues with newly installed IDE hard drive on e6400 Ultra

Fri Oct 30, 2009 2:35 am
by braincandy
I just installed a Quantum QML20000LD-A Fireball hd which is on E-mu's list of compatible hard drives. However, it's not showing up on the Ultra. I followed the steps, used the proper connections via the install kit, and it's just not showing up as a drive. Is there some sort of common newbie mistake I'm making here?
Re: Issues with newly installed IDE hard drive on e6400 Ultra

Sun Nov 01, 2009 12:59 am
by kalide
Did you use the right power connector?
The Emu motherboard connector has the 5V and 12V lines a bit different to a normal setup -
These are not the same as standard PC ones.....CN13 on the motherboard is labelled - see how that matches what you've connected.
Recommendation: Check the voltages to ensure that they match what the drive is going to expect at each Pin.
Check out this too: ... traIDE.pdf
Re: Issues with newly installed IDE hard drive on e6400 Ultra

Fri Nov 06, 2009 6:02 am
by braincandy
Yes, I used the installation kit recommended on E-mu's support page: ... ar-89.htmlI followed the instructions and made sure I made the right connections twice.
I hope it's only a bum drive and not something wrong with the Ultra. Thanks for the reply.
Re: Issues with newly installed IDE hard drive on e6400 Ultra

Thu Nov 26, 2009 3:33 pm
by braincandy
I replaced the hd with another Quantum Fireball on E-mu's list and it powers up just find. However it's not recognized by the e6400. From what I read the mounting command is only for SCIS devices. Is there any way to run a test or to make sure that the HD is recognized?
Re: Issues with newly installed IDE hard drive on e6400 Ultra

Fri Nov 27, 2009 8:49 pm
by jdrummer
what OS you are using?
Re: Issues with newly installed IDE hard drive on e6400 Ultra

Sat Feb 06, 2010 6:49 pm
by skipping
Have any other IDE hard drive models been tried?
Re: Issues with newly installed IDE hard drive on e6400 Ultra

Sat Feb 06, 2010 9:26 pm
by kalide
The IDe drives only work as Master.
Make sure the jumpers on the drive are NOT set to Slave or Cable Select (CS), but to Master.
Refer to: