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E-Synth Rack with Midi Keyboard

Mon Mar 01, 2010 8:20 pm
by lghtcle
Hi, i want to be able to control sounds from my new sampler E-MU E-Synth with Axiom midi keyboard. I've read manual, but i couldn't figure out. Please anyone can help me?
Re: E-Synth Rack with Midi Keyboard

Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:34 am
by mosrob
Hi lghtcle,
you did not mention the AXIOM-model (amount of controllers) and you did not write which manual you read (AXIOM or EMU or both?).
I assume that you want to control your E-Synth while playing a sound and you are not wanting to use the AXIOM-keyboards for programming sounds.
This is a brief description for setting up a preset for modulation in real-time.
Ensure that the MIDI keyboard is sending data to your E-Synth (MIDI-LED on E-Synth is flashing while receiving data). Ensure that your AXIOM is sending on the same MIDI-Channel the E-Synth is listening to (You should hear a sound, of course.).
In your E-Synth please check the Controller numbers at MASTER - MIDI - CNTRLS2 that are assigned to Midi A - L.
Here you can set the Control-Change number (CC) your E-Synth is listening to. I recommend to leave the settings as they are (CC21 - CC28 & CC70 - CC73). On CNTRLS1-page you see the standard-settings for the Pitch-Bend- & Mod-Wheel (CC1), as well as Pressure Control, Pedal Control (CC4) and the Switches 1 to 3 (CC64, CC65 & CC66).
Check the settings of your AXIOM keyboard. You might have some kind of Editor for the AXIOM. Each of the rotary encoder (or any other controller) will send specific data. This data have to be CC-MIDI-Messages. Check if the controller you want to use are sending CC-MIDI-Messages of the ones your E-Synth is listening to.
(E-Synth) Select the Preset on which the control-changes should have an effect. Press "Preset Edit" and go to CORDS. Select an unused CORD (Source and/or Destination are set to OFF and/or the amount is set to 0%).
Set the SOURCE-value to one of the "MIDI"-values (MidiA - MidiL). This time use "MidiA".
Set the DESTINATION-value to e.g. FilFreq (FilterFrequency CutOff).
Set the AMOUNT to "-100%". The negative value means that the higher the value of the incoming control-message by turning a rotary controller on your AXIOM (sending the related CC-Messages) clockwise is, the more will the Filter be closed, resulting in a damped sound.
Check also the FILTER-page of the Preset to ensure using a LOW-PASS-type filter at a (high CutOff-) Frequency of e.g. 20000Hz.
Then you should be able to control sounds with your AXIOM MIDI-keyboard.
Hope this helps.
Re: E-Synth Rack with Midi Keyboard

Fri Mar 05, 2010 1:06 pm
by lghtcle
Hi, thanks a lot for reply.
I'm not at home now, well i'll try with your advices at night.
And sorry about my bad explanation. I want to use M-Audio Axiom 61 with E-Synth, for playing the notes, and of course, i want to use the knobs of Axiom for processing...etc.
Maybe it's too basic thing, but i'm new at Emu's sampler world, so i couldn't figure out.
Thanks again.