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E4 Lcd display problem

Wed Mar 03, 2010 5:59 pm
by razo
Hi, Just bought an E4 Platinum and the lcd display contrast is way too high (too dark). Its only possible to read the display on the weakest contrast (+7) and reading it from an angle above. Comparing it to my E4 ultra the display is much darker than even the darkest setting here.
I tried to disconnect the internal HD to see if there was a problem with the power supply, but the problem persisted.
Anybody here having had the same problem?
Re: E4 Lcd display problem

Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:50 am
by mosrob
Hi razo,
one good thing is that you have two E4-Units.
Did you try MASTER - UTILS - TESTS - PANEL and changed the settings in MASTER - SETUP - MISC to "+2" or so after the testing???
If you are a little technical skilled you can disassemble both units and connect the front panel of the Platinum to the mainboard of your E4 Ultra and check if the behaviour stays the same.
If yes, then you might have to replace the display-foil or the complete display of the Platinum front panel.
If not, then it could be the high voltage unit on the mainboard of the Platinum that supplies the LCD with power. Then you should contact the EMU-Support directly (via Email or phone). I think this could be a case for the Service Center.
Re: E4 Lcd display problem

Fri Mar 05, 2010 6:01 am
by kalide
my platinum has a different display unit to my ultra e5k - E5K is lcd backlit with green LEDs. Platinum is EL display, very bright fluorescent blue with an EL backlight.
they may be interchangable, but an EL display uses a high voltage convertor, the LED backlight is low voltage DC. Different.
Re: E4 Lcd display problem

Sat Mar 06, 2010 1:33 pm
by razo
Hi mosrob and kalide,
I connected the two connectors from lcd display of the Platinum to the mainboard of my E4 (E4xt Ultra); then it worked OK. The small connector marked "backlight" seem to be work ok, and there is only a problem when the 20pin flatcable is not swapped between the machines. I tried MASTER - UTILS - TESTS - PANEL, but still the same. I'll try to contact E-mu by mail then. perhaps i could try to fix it myself if it is a known problem and I could get the right spare part.. (the warranty is gone).
Re: E4 Lcd display problem

Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:00 am
by razo
Contrast problem was fixed when I removed a jumper (W6) on the main board...