Hi I've experienced good sound with e4XT EOS 4.7 and RFX, but anyone must create a multisetup pointing to a RFX setup created before (on RAM or FLASH). Then use only the MIXER or VOICE OR MAIN in the multi window.
I think when VOICE is selected, you can experience more bugs, but if needed, try to create yourself the preset as it is (don't copy) parameter after parameter you could find a way to make it work, that happened to me...
However, I can't explain clearly why a bunch of presets get that "random panning" bug, but i think it is more related to the way a preset is created into the engine of the sampler:
WITH or WITHOUT the RFX inserted in the sampler.
That means if you create your presets, you should never get the random panning bug if you use the MIXER or Voice for the RFX in the MULTI window.
direct routing to certain BUS can be totally unusable, that's why I advise you to never work that way : routing to BUS 6 - 7 - GFX1 - GFX2, whereas they work perfectly when using them in the MIXER.
Anyway I 'm not sure , I just want to fix these 2 bugs with all of you...
But keep in mind only one of them can be fixed.
Enjoy if it works for you