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mail EMU!!!

PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:26 pm
by division2000

well, what i can say to u guys is that you ALL need to mail EMU at:

this is because i have received few calls saying that they are working on it!!! it seems that all this hassle can produce the desired effect we all want [or should i say, remove the unwanted effect of :::random panning:::]

mail them today and keep posting details to me, so i can forward material to the right persons doubling our chances...and dont be rude to EMU girls and guys...that wont produce nice effect!!!



PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 7:45 pm
by dugawug
i see your point, but 'technically speaking', the RFX card has no inherent problems. all the problems lie in EOS for the RFX card (or in the actual sampler for my initial dillemmna)
it would be nice if everyone could see bass cadet's page(s) about the RFX card and 4.7's bugs: cuz this is where i first found out about these EOS bugs AFTER i bought my E4's.
EMU has put everything hardware related on sale to clear it all out. they are making way for a software line to be released next year. the problem for us is that they've stopped their efforts with new EOS revisions altogether to more focus on the new software line.
please, if you have any E4/EOS/RFX issues, we're all trying to write EMU with our problems and tell them to please at least give us a version 4.8 (4.7 w/o ANY bugs)! it's the least they can do and they damn sure should do it. the more we write them, the more we can make this a reality.
their email:
thanks for your help/input

PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 8:53 pm
by division2000

i like to know how many guys actually tried to put rfx out and check if the ::::random panning:::: effect is still there...

i did it once on another emu platinum, and there was no panning effect...
BUT i dont have ::::random panning:::: effect with rfx card all the time is very unpredictable...and sometimes i am hitting audition button 10-20 times without that panning and then suddenly there it is...

on this EMU i will have to unscrew complete i want to know how many of u actually tried that...

let me know...

and, oh, i will wait few more days for your post to collect here and then i am sending it to a certain place...
so, all of u that still didnt submit details, please do so...




PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 11:01 am
by Dane
razmo wrote:Hi there!

I've noticed that EMU is selling their last R-FX cards and options extremely cheap, but is selling the RFX really legal? ... I mean, they are deliberately selling hardware options that they KNOW is not 100% functional, and they KNOW IT! and have no intention of fixing the problems... Someone ought to warn happless customers from that kind of deceivement don't you think? ... Perhaps THAT warning might get Creative (a name they certainly do not deserve by the way) responding with the needed cash for finnishing off the EOS as they should.

Regards, Jess D. Skov-Nielsen.

Rart at se at jeg ikke er den eneste dansker her :biglaugh:

Er du forresten Jess fra Odense ?

N? .. Undskyld forstyrrelsen :-)


PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 4:23 pm
by division2000
how about english?
every info can be very very useful, specially now... :grumble:

PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 5:41 pm
by cm_locuss
Sorry i didn't put this up sooner, i've been busy trying to steal christmas :biglaugh: here is my original e-mail along with the response from e-mu :thumbs: eZ........

Dear Chris,

Thanks for your email.

I will certainly forward your email to the appropriate department. We
have had a few requests from users to look at these issues and we've
send the requests to our engineers. We will let you knwo as soon as we
have some more information.

Unfortunately I don't have any info on future operating system for the

For further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Best Regards,

Norman Van Geerke
Technical Support
E-MU Systems
+353 1 433 3205

[ Due to the volume of emails we receive, please quote all emails in any
reply ]

Original Message Follows:
i am a recent purchaser of an E6400 Ultra and an RFX-32 card and am very
unpleased that there are some major bugs with EOS in regards to the RFX
card. one known bug, "random panning" has apparently been an issue in
nearly every version of EOS. and 4.7's bug, "outbursts" is really a big
one. i've been on forums and websites and many other people are
frustrated with these issues like me. i'd like to hear that you are
working on these and i want to know when a full and clean version of 4.7
will be released. i hear you are moving to software and i'd like to know
you're not leaving your hardware users in the dark. i was told that i'm
doing the right thing by an emu rep by selling my e64 classic and
purchasing an ultra w/ rfx card. in the five years that i owned that
sampler i had zero problems. with the ultra i've had nothing but
problems since day one. i know everyone who owns an emu ultra w/ rfx
feels the same..i've been on forums that are based all around the globe
and these people are having the same problems....please help us solve
this issue...even making a post on about future status
on these issues, i think would be greatly appreciated..thanks again for
your time, Chris Mihelic


PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 6:48 pm
by grahluk
I just wrote EMU 2 days ago about this just to add to the choir. Same response as above. They said they will forward this to an engineer. I wonder what they mean by "engineer". An actual system designer or a tech support phone engineer. I was polite but did let them know that they should fix the EOS bugs before killing the product. I fully ultracized my 6400 2 years ago to a full blown e4xt/ultra with rfx32, adat and analog i/o expansion. If this problem has been present since then they need to fix it otherwise they are selling defective products. I let them know that if they intend to not do anything about it they should refund the rfx purchasers their money for selling them something that makes their sampler worthless. If they don't do either I will not purchase any "new" EMU or creative products and advise anyone against it. Why would I buy their new product if they don't make good on on thier old line. If we really wanted to get nasty about it we could file a class action lawsuit. I know litigation is a large evil in this world but this is the type of situation that warrants it. They need to make good one way or another. Class action suits by users isn't exactly good pr especially if they want to try and compete in the softsampler market.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 7:54 pm
by Dane
division2000 wrote:how about english?
every info can be very very useful, specially now... :grumble:

Easy now. I was just saying hi to another danish guy :roll:


PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 9:39 pm
by bass cadet
I got this response yesterday from EMU, this is the info they are looking for:

We are currently looking at this problem. To assist with your problem,
if you can email me the following complete details, then that will help

Your full name, address and a daytime phone contact number.
Exactly which model of Ultra sampler you have.
Exactly which version of EOS is running?
Have you tried any other versions, and if so, do you still have the
problem in the other versions?
The Serial Number of your Ultra
Date of Purchase of your Ultra, and place of purchase (which dealer if
purchased new, or note if it was 2nd hand)
Date of purchase of RFX card, and place of purchase (as above)
Finally, do you have any output boards installed (like the extra RFX 8
analogue outputs, or the RFX ADAT optical In/Out?, or the extra RFX 4

If you can supply me with all of these details, we will pass all of this
information on to our engineers as they require this to be able to
properly assess the problem.

Also, if you can describe as clearly as possible what happens - does the
problem occur with all sounds, or only short sounds, or only some short
sounds? Does the problem occur all the time, or only sometimes? If it
is only sometimes, is it predictable in any way at all?

Best Regards,

David Anderson
Technical Support
E-MU Systems
+353 1 433 3205


PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 9:46 pm
by dugawug
right on i guess we should all write EMU another email w/ this info they want? that would freak em out, get about 20 or more emails with that info. but it would definintely help. thanks, i'm about to write them ;)

Another important thing is to be persistent about this without being overly annoying...I will probably write EMU every week or so until they give me a date for a new EOS. I urge you all to be polite but persistent as well. A simple email saying "hey, i still got these problems, any date for a new EOS version yet?" every week surely is justified in my eyes :thumbs:

PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 11:06 pm
by illinformed
Damn I wish I had kept the 5 or 6 extremely detailed emails that I sent to the emusaic group. I should really ask if they have been archived somewhere. There were quite a few other users at the time who posted with similar amounts of detail. Someone even sampled the panning problem in a soft sampler and posted up quite a few examples clearly showing the problem (it appeared that the samples were out of phase). I'm pretty much sure these details reached emu too. Why they need it all again is above me, it seems like a stalling tactic.

Anyway if they want more emails they can have them, I can write for days about this problem :grin:

PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2003 11:13 pm
by division2000
Another important thing is to be persistent about this without being overly annoying...I will probably write EMU every week or so until they give me a date for a new EOS. I urge you all to be polite but persistent as well. A simple email saying "hey, i still got these problems, any date for a new EOS version yet?" every week surely is justified in my eyes

i kindly request from all of you to listen to this advice and to be nice with them...

i am waiting a day or two...and then i will send this materials...i need more data if its possible...when i said that i need emails and replies I WANTED DATES included with it...i think u guys can still go and edit your messages [isnt it?] and add dates...
this can be our chance...i know i am pushing this as i am in the same shit as you are, but in that selfishness i think i am making good job...




PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 3:23 pm
by grahluk
I will dig up my receipts and post the details as well as email them to EMU.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 6:27 pm
by Klaseed
Okay, so as dugawug states on the other thread, we figured out that the problems with the RFX card are related to bad DRAM - swapping my DRAM for his certainly appeared to fix the problem of freezing when scrolling through effects. It would be very helpful if we could let Emu know the range of serials that have this bad RAM.

Now, if you guys wanna listen, here's my take on the rest of the bugs. I used to work at Emu, and I still know a guy who does, but what I'm gonna say is in no way official. I do have a bit of a feel for what it's like on the inside over there, though.

Anyway, the deal is that Creative bought Emu to get the brainpower of the main Emu engineer. Remember the first Creative mp3 player - that's right, it's really Emu-designed. At any rate, Emu is a company who is now owned by a corporation who just doesn't give a fuck. That simple. Keep that in mind when dealing with them, and maybe try to be gentle - it's really not Emu's fault, I don't believe.

So, we've got two bugs that need to get fixed in EOS - random panning and the volume bursts. I also really believe that they need to release an SDK for the RFX so 3rd-party developement can happen. I think if we make these the demands we're going for, and do so in a reasonable way, they may find it possible to devote the resources necessary to do them.

One thing I'm worried about is someone getting pissed enought to start some kind of legal proceedings. I think in that situation, Creative would drop Emu in a heartbeat, and there'd be no possibility of a solution.

So I guess what I'm saying is, be nice to the people at Emu, they've got a shitty job at this point, and if we limit our requests as much as possible, we've got a better chance of getting our way.

Word, I'm off to email Emu :)

PostPosted: Thu Dec 18, 2003 8:30 pm
by dugawug
word to Klaseed...this fucking incredibly nice guy let me come to his home, took his E6400 out from the rack, took the top off, and let me test HIS RFX card in my boxes, and then topped it all off by helping me solve the problem myself and CM_LOCUSS and anyone else who has horrible freezing in 4.7 and not so great performance in 4.61...replace your little 8MB DRAM slot (thats just behind your FLASH slot) on the right hand side of the motherboard closest to the front (the dial knob/numeric keypad side) email me if you have trouble finding it.

anyhow, i agree w/ him in that we should be nice to EMU but again, be persistently nice with emails inquiring on a new EOS release. they eventually will listen. i mean, once we have a bug free OS that has all the cool shit 4.7 has in it, we're square. thanks to all on this forum for helping out.