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PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 8:19 am
by MFPhouse
Edit: ups double posting

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 9:09 am
by art
I'd pay $50. to get EOS sorted.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 6:56 pm
by art
One at a time please! ;)

PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 8:31 pm
by art
Revisions of Ultra and RFX have not been determined to be a factor at this point. Unaffected machines seem to be determined by luck alone.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 4:51 pm
by igorclark
Only just seen this. I don't want to tempt providence but I never had the random-panning problem; however I did have the volume-bursts problem with 4.7 and would happily chip in $50 for a fix. Good thinking, skynet.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 8:09 pm
by skynet
Ez all...

Well, I checked out the Platinum & sure enough it does the randow panning bug...I think u will find that 99% of all machines with the RFX card installed will do this! The people that say there machines are ok I think will find that the way they are using them stops them hearing this bug...Im mean I used the E4 Platinum via adat running into Logic, the beats & perc I had on mono channels...I.e Adat 1&2 panned L & panned R 2 beats coming through on each channel. Then of course you dont hear the panning bug, you only get the bug on fast attack sounds (BEATS & PERC)on stereo channel's,, so any other sounds I doubt you would cause this effect. so if people out there are using the sub outs & have them on different channels to the desk & dont play the beats out of L&R then you will never have a problem, well you'll never notice the problem anyway!

That is one good work around & it does work fine, as for the random bursts Ive not come across that at all...the only time that happens is when you enter the RFX edit page & go between them when the EMU is in use.

Still after saying all that its still bollox that EMU have left a few stupid little bugs in there!

To be honest I dont think that these will be fixed ever, but im sure someone will be able to crack the EOS shortly ;) only needs the Eprom to be hacked & EMU's EOS secrets are out the bag...Who knows EMU, maybe someone out there has already done it & will be cloning a soft sampler based on all you hard work! THANKS! thats what ya get for being cunts! fuck us & we will be sure to try & fuck u!

There's a lot of clever people out there that can work round patent's all day long...Your loss, Our gain... :finger:

Play hard ball with the people that supported you for so many years then you leave them with no option but to hack your EOS, I also know that there are only about 4-5 people at EMU that know the EOS code. Emu are very worried about leaks of this code & I cant wait to see that shit leaked all over the place. I still cant understand why they wouldn't just fix the EOS for that reason alone!!

So any brain boxes out there that are willing to help us, just let me know ;)



PS what ever happened about that lawsuit?? The doors are sealed shut at EMU now, so fuck em no loyalty there.

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 3:11 am
by advance
You got my $50. Anything that will make the EMU that much better has my vote! :thumbs:

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 6:22 pm
by art
skynet wrote:Ez all...

Well, I checked out the Platinum & sure enough it does the randow panning bug...I think u will find that 99% of all machines with the RFX card installed will do this! The people that say there machines are ok I think will find that the way they are using them stops them hearing this bug...Im mean I used the E4 Platinum via adat running into Logic, the beats & perc I had on mono channels...I.e Adat 1&2 panned L & panned R 2 beats coming through on each channel. Then of course you dont hear the panning bug, you only get the bug on fast attack sounds (BEATS & PERC)on stereo channel's,, so any other sounds I doubt you would cause this effect. so if people out there are using the sub outs & have them on different channels to the desk & dont play the beats out of L&R then you will never have a problem, well you'll never notice the problem anyway!

Of course this workaround doesn't help those of us who wish to use the RFX for what it was originally intended and advertised as: a stereo mixer/effects box.....Hey E-MU, you're a fecking joke!! :finger:

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 6:58 pm
by skynet
Of course this workaround doesn't help those of us who wish to use the RFX for what it was originally intended and advertised as: a stereo mixer/effects box.....Hey E-MU, you're a fecking joke!! :finger:

Well I havent found any problems using the RFX card as a stereo Fx...even though there's no excuse for shabby products, ive found its still possible to work this unit to its fullest!

I can have my beats & perc coming through on mono channels which really most beats are in mono anyway...then offset the Aux to any fx buss & get a stereo fx on the beats this works just fine without any panning shit!

But your right EMU have become a joke, such a shame when what they created was way ahead of its time!

O'well hacked EOS just round the corner!

:spliff: :spliff:

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2005 7:32 pm
by art
skynet wrote:
Of course this workaround doesn't help those of us who wish to use the RFX for what it was originally intended and advertised as: a stereo mixer/effects box.....Hey E-MU, you're a fecking joke!! :finger:

I can have my beats & perc coming through on mono channels which really most beats are in mono anyway...then offset the Aux to any fx buss & get a stereo fx on the beats this works just fine without any panning shit!

I appreciate the tips.

Those of us who wish to use the RFX to its fullest, ie use a stereo path, are still fucked.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 4:09 pm
by para
I guess these issues are still present but everyone gave up the fight after YEARS of trying hard, right...?


PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 4:09 pm
by para
I guess these issues are still present but everyone gave up the fight after YEARS of trying hard, right...?


PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 5:44 pm
by illinformed
Well I have have correspondance with Emu about the main bug since September 2002! Check my email findings about 10 posts down viewtopic.php?t=346&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=90.

It's a shame that the bug was discovered in a massive transitional period for Emu. It basically meant that everyone involved could run away from the problem.

I would donate $50 to one of the older Emu programmers to get the RFX fixed. I suppose it means that someone needs to track down the old guys and speak with them directly. A few guys posted on here with ideas of where and how EOS is creating the problems. I'm sure this would save alot of time for anyone who had EOS programming experience. I suppose someone needs to summarize the bugs and possible causes. It would be interesting to hear from an original EOS programmer, anyone out there?

It makes me laugh becuase you can still by a new RFX from turnkey for ?479.99. That's still an awful lot of money for something that can't deal with stereo samples.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:43 pm
by MFPhouse
para wrote:Hi,
I guess these issues are still present but everyone gave up the fight after YEARS of trying hard, right...?

no! ...we all still wait. It is not spoken yet the last word... But no more and not less ;-)

The whole program EMU/RFX crew came just a fact of time.

Now they are involvoded at C-Lab Stuff etc etc ( the new EMU Software Cards,Keys Stuff and perhaps other things)....but the most people here believe to know that they came back ( the Emu Programmer) ...maybe perhaps in other Hardware Stuff?.....We all know that the Geare on they work now .... are not running, not realy selling, no future ;-) so we wait and wait and wait ;-)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 9:37 pm
by para
@illinformed: I know, I read the complete thread :shock:

It really is a pitty that all these efforts could not lead E-MU (meaning CL) into some bugfixing efforts. I may understand that 4.7, being beta, might have introduced a new bug (outbursts) which they won't fix, but it's a shame that the pre-existing panning issue is dealt with the same way :???: However, making 4.7 final (fixing both bugs) would be best of course :loveit:

Anyway, I had some contact with E-MU Technical Support and have put (again) some attention to the topic:

The only thing I can do in regards to the problems encountered with the
EOS 4.7 is to feed back to our Engineers (which I will do on your

Ok, we know this answer already but hey, at least they are reminded of it and the (nice!) support agent is willing to help...
