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PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 1:30 am
by Silverman2
That's a load of bollux!

I sent Steve Hodge 2 bugged eos banks, along with relevant midi files well over a year ago.

Emu are just taking the piss!

Sorry it's the only conclusion I can draw from the 4.7 mess.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 21, 2004 2:25 am
by razmo
Hi again...

Well... then we are two who have "complained" and sent them our setups, but honestly I do not believe that just two cases is enough to make emu bother ... They want more evidence obviously, so if you guys want this fixed, write them about it as they want.

Personally, I find, that reading this forum ought to be enough for emu to start fixing the bugs, but I see no purpose in discussing this with them, so I'll just suggest you to write them what they want so that we can get these bugs fixed before it's too late. We've got all to win, and nothing to loose!


PostPosted: Sat May 01, 2004 2:04 am
by Silverman2
Shouldn'e Emu be worried, that this thread has been viewd 2310 times?

Just a thought :finger: :mrgreen: :finger:


PostPosted: Sat May 01, 2004 6:48 am
by razmo
He he! ... Well, yes that should be enough, but obviously they have to have it served with a hammer, right between the eyes! >:O(

I've dropped the R-FX, and swapped the RFX-ADAT option with a NON-RFX ADAT option, and will now connect to my 1820m instead. Much more reliable configuration.


PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2004 11:23 pm
Hello ! If you have that m....f.... RANDOM PANING bug with your ultra and your RFX-32 you could be interested...
the only way i've been able to correct that bug is to route SYSTEMATICALLY the buggy presets to the following RFX effect :

* RFX Phaser (in mono mode only)
* EOS Chorus
* EOS Chorus lite
* Env. Phaser
* Quad Muxster
* Muxster
* Vocoder
* Grungulator
* St?r?o Grungulator

I know it is not not a magic solution.
I hope anyone from E-MU is reading that because I don't want to lose time writing to them. they don't care about us anyway.... :roll:

I've noticed no improvements changing the type of filter into the preset :shock:

One day we will bypass it ......... :thumbs: :loveit:
:finger: to the CREATIVE business men

PostPosted: Tue May 04, 2004 10:19 am
by razmo

Well, the problem with the pan bug is still, that voice slots used by mono samples are somehow not properly allocated when stereo samples are used at the same time. When a stereo sample is used, one voice is allocated to the left side and another to the right side. When that slot is later going to be used with a mono sample, which is of course to be panned in the center, the ultra somehow does not make this panning allocation until AFTER the voice has played, meaning that the mono sample will play at whatever that slot was allocated to before (and if that was a stereo sample, it will be played either left or right). This is why the R-FX works fine if you use ONLY stereo or ONLY mono samples in a bank. There may still be more to this bug, but from what I can see and hear, this is what happens, and it can be perfectly reconstructed EVERY TIME I WANT TO! ... So I don't see why EMU do not fix this fatal bug right away. I've not read about anyone who have not had this bug... have you? ... If anyone are using an RFX, and are using banks with BOTH stereo and mono samples in it (It is vital that you also USE those mono and stereo presets together in a composition to hear the panning bug in effect!!!) then please say something! ... if you only use presets which use EITHER of them you will NOT hear it!!!.


P.S. I'm suspicious also, that the panning effect is also present with using only stereo samples, as I've heard very short "clicks" panning from left to right playing only stereo samples. I'm beginning to suspect, that the allocation is also set AFTER the stereo sample has sounded. The effect with stereo samples will be much less audible because most don't really notice if the left and right channels has been swapped (which is what happens I guess). I've not tried yet, but I'll bet that if you take a stereo sample that says "Yeah!" in the left channel only, and play with that, you would also hear this voice bounce from left to right or some other irregular bouncing.

So in theory, you could use your R-FX without this bug, if you use ONLY mono samples in you bank, and KEEP IT THAT WAY. I've seriously been considdering doing this, as it's both memory efficient, voice efficient and the stereo effects can be easily added with the RFX effects (which does NOT put any panning bugs on the sound). But anyway, I feel that EMU should fix this bug, cause it really stinks! :O)

PostPosted: Tue May 04, 2004 6:26 pm
Let me sum up what I think about E-MU :

1. They lied to sell all their RFX cards

2. They sent EOS 4.7 with Upgrade options whereas THIS PRODUCT IS A SHAME WITH THE RFX because I can't use BUS 6 & 7 and GFX 1 & 2 they are totally bugged (loud outburst and DANGEROUS FOR HEALTH) when I use them in Multimode.

3. The concept of the RFX is a shame because an ultra is a BETTER MACHINE WITHOUT RFX (I don't know for platinum series).

As they seem to think they are in right to sell products that don't work COULD WE BRING THEM TO COURT TOGETHER ???? And maybe they will be obliged to give us their new system or pay us back for the SWINDLE

Can everyone confirm all the bugs mentionned in that message ?

PostPosted: Tue May 04, 2004 10:19 pm
by Silverman2
I conrfirm the outburst bug, but I also get it on other channels, say bus4:
Thanx for the panning info dudes.

I don't think they lied but were *heavily* compromised by the Krapative Flabs takeover. Up to the point the whole RFX development was scrapped or ported to the new PC card Xe thingy.

The really shitty thing was all those 4.8 rumours that never came thru!

Its a shame, I think its work around city.


PostPosted: Tue May 04, 2004 11:59 pm
by razmo
Hi again!

I was just thinking what will happen if you mess with the pan settings of a voice (MIDI channel based)?

And what will happen if you mess with the pan settings of a voice in the preset?

Maybe there could be a workaround for using both mono and stereo samples by doing the initialization yourself in the cords menu?

I'm not capable of testing this yet, as I've picked my RFX out of my sampler (wonder why!?)...

It may be worth a try... Now the best soulution would still be to make EMU listen to the complaints and get a fix, but if this never happens, this could perhaps be a nice workaround.


PostPosted: Thu May 06, 2004 6:51 pm
by razmo
Hi again...

Could not resist on trying out a few tests with the R-FX, and lets just say, that I'm even more confused now than before! :O/

There is no way you can just initialize the pan value with the cords. I tried it!

It is still this f...... panning bug that irritates me! ...
I'll not get into details on the tests that I did, but I can say the following:

The sampler works "absolutely fine" if you DO NOT TOUCH ANY PANNING PARAMETER, THAT BE AS MIDI CHANNEL, IN THE VOICE MENU, CORDS MENU... ANYTHING THAT HAS TO DO WITH PANNING!!! ... And also you cannot use STEREO AND MONO SAMPLES AT THE SAME TIME! ... Using the "fake" chorus counts as a stereo sample! ...

If you adhere to these rules, everything works fine... for me...

But... Under the tests i did, I noticed, that the panning is in fact done correctly. It is as if two sounds is heard together somehow. It is hard to explain, but the severity of this "lagging pan ghost" (in lack of better words) was actually changing over time. In the beginning it was VERY hearable, and sounded much like two sounds playing the same at different pannings (one correct, one being a delayed one playing what have already been played earlier because of the lack of initializing the voice pan slots), but as time went, the "ghost tail" transformed into very short clicks which I believe to be just the beginning of the sample playing. In fact the correctly playing sound (not the "ghost tail") was now clearly lacking the initial transient... that is, untill the the "tail" catched up with the correct panning.... damn this is hard to explain!...

I believe more in the hardware problem scheme now that one of the tech guys mentioned earlier in this thread. It may be, that older motherboards probably cannot coorporate with the R-FX... I've installed the R-FX PSU, Changed the CPU RAM, Tried with different options in and out of the setup (I got DWAM and RFX ADAT).. Nothing has helped!

This R-FX and my E6400 Ultra is surely fucked up! :O(
I'm glad I ordered the older NON-RFX ADAT option, so that I can rip out that dumb RFX and connect all outputs to my 1820m instead.... not as effecient as the RFX unfortunately, but better than nothing or the built in FX of the E6400 Ultra!!!


PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2004 9:31 am
by illinformed
I recently found some correspondance that took place bewtween myself and emu round about September 2002. Unfortunately I cant find the first email however I think it was a general explanation of the panning symptons.

The first post would have been sent to the emusaic list but then I got a replies directly from emu. I realise now a direct response from emu meant it wasn't being posted on the emusaic list for eveyone to see (that has happened twice). I wasn't too bothered at the time as I thought my problem was being dealt with. I think I'm still waiting for the final reply ;)

It shows emu were well aware of the problem back then, and that they had all my details. My favourite bit is "We think we understand this problem". Has anyone else dealt with Terry Game?

"Terry Grame" <> wrote:
> Hi Andrew,
> We think we understand this problem, but just to be sure here's a couple of
> questions:
> 1. Do you have a RFX Setup in Ram or flash & is it selected via Multsetup
> /Edit ? (or some other way)
> 2. Could you check if what you're actually hearing is the FXA/FXB effects.
> Try modifing these to some wild settings then re-select your RSetup & see if
> you still hear 'em (note that you will hear them when scrolling R setups).
> Or set FX B to something other than Chorus, then return to your RSetup...
> thanks,
> - Terry
> E-Mu

On Mon, 09 Sep 2002 12:43:19 +0100 <ambrowning> wrote:

Thaks for replying
This is my setup:

My RFX setup is in Ram, it's loaded in when the Bank is loaded in as I like to have different setups for each bank. There is only 1 RFX setup with this Bank. There is only 1 multisetup as well. The RFX is empty so the RFX Bus screens show no effects on all pages. The multimode effects control is setup to use the preset on midi channel 1. In the bank I'm using there is only one preset an it is being used on midi channel 1.
When I edit the multisetup screen the RFX setup is on the "Use Master FX Setup" setting.

I tried this and it made difference so I'm definately not hearing FXA/B effects.

It doesn't sound like any effects are causing this problem as there are no effects assigned in any of the RFX Bus. On my amplifier setting I have the Main send to Main 100%. I experimented by turning 100% to 0 and then sending Aux Send1 to Main 100%, this stopped the majority of the stero bouncing however it cut the first few samples off with the same frequency that it bouncerd from left to right before! However if I changed the submix in the multi screen to mixer and then repeat the above experiment in the mixer screen, it still continues to bounce from left to right. Something is definately wrong as it does the smae bounce in the sample edit screen.

Hope this is of help.

On Mon, 9 Sep 2002 10:47:10 -0100

"Terry Grame" <> wrote:
> Andrew,
> If your MultiSetup parameters are set to "Use Master:FX:Setup", & Master/FX
> Setup to "preset on channel 1" then you are using FX A/B - unless *in the
> preset* on Channel 1 you are selecting a non-empty RFX Setup
> (Preset/Globals). (must be a real RFX Setup; not an empty location)
> Is that what you're doing?
> Also, the preset on CH1, is a 'real' preset, not external audio, right?
> thanks again,
> - Terry

On Mon, 09 Sep 2002 17:11:15 +0100 <ambrowning> wrote:

I'm using a non empty RFX setup and it is chosen in the Preset Globals screen. It's definately pointing to a real RFX setup beause it's named. Just to make sure it exists I put a reverb in the first slot on on Bus1 however all my samples are going straight out to Main.
The preset is definately on CH1 and as an experiment I disabled CH2 to 16 however I still had the problem I have got a piano preset in the bank as well on CH8. When this piano preset is played it makes the kick bounce more frequently.

On Tue, 10 Sep 2002 09:55:03 -0100

"Terry Grame" <> wrote:
> Andrew,
> Try disabling the FX entirely (Master/FX Setup: Bypassed) -- does it still
> happen?
> thanks,
> - Terry

On Tue, 10 Sep 2002 16:48:40 +0100 , <ambrowning> wrote:

I have tried disabling the FX completely before and it still happens, that's why I don't think it's an effects issue. The bouncing is not uniform, it's very unpredicatable however becomes more frequent when more midi notes are triggered.

PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2004 5:01 pm
by Silverman2
LOL what a mess :roll:

Makes Emu look like a right joke... I mean 2002!



U ever get the feeling this isn't fixable or they aint smart enuff to fix it. I mean they have had plenty time. ;)

PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2004 4:44 pm
by Silverman2
Well I've had enuff.

My RFX is about to yanked out my machine.
Just checked the stereo bug on a phase scope.


It just aint worth having something as buggy as this in my machine.

It just like to say thanx to the Emu staff for keeping us updated with the bug fixes!



PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2004 5:44 pm
by Silverman2
Ahhhhhhh thats better!

The card is out, no random stereo and noiseburst problems.

Wish I had done this 2 years ago!!

Certainly my last ever Emu purchase. :grumble:

PostPosted: Fri May 14, 2004 11:35 am
by illinformed
illinformed wrote: Has anyone else dealt with Terry Game?

I just found out that Terry Game is listed in the EOS 4.7 Credits as part of the Testing team. I suppose it was good to know that it was being dealt with by someone in the know at the time.
Silverman2 wrote:U ever get the feeling this isn't fixable or they aint smart enuff to fix it. I mean they have had plenty time. ;)

Maybe the hardware isn't up to the job.