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E6400 Ultra Screen issue...

Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:26 pm
by scoobylol
Hello gents, recently got an E6400. Extremely happy, although I notice that on certain menus some of the options are not being displayed correctly.
For example: am currently running on EOS 4.10 if that may have any issues.
Cheers for any help

EDIT: the picture was huge so i've just supplied a direct link to it instead.
Re: E6400 Ultra Screen issue...

Fri Jul 23, 2010 7:57 pm
by Rascal Revenge
Hi, sampler/EOS does not display things for options your Ultra hasn't installed.
In the case of your picture: Your machine hasn't the D-WAM Board (Digi-In/Out, Wordclock In-/Out, 2nd MIDI-In/Out, ASCII),
therefore it's greyed out in the menu.
Re: E6400 Ultra Screen issue...

Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:22 pm
by scoobylol
Cheers for the quick reply Rascal, I appreciate it.
This greying out seems to extend to several screens, not just the one I posted in the picture, including the Undo option. The Emu has an Iomega Jaz disk drive, but i'm still awaiting a disk to be delivered. Could this explain the lack of an undo option, as the Emu would back up each sample incrementally and save it to that disk, that is not present?
Re: E6400 Ultra Screen issue...

Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:22 pm
by Rascal Revenge
Quite sure when you have your Jaz-Disk you can enable Undo/Redo, but better install a regular HD (IDE or SSCI) in your Ultra.
E-mu does recommend NOT TO USE Undo/Redo with Jaz and such, see it in the manual under Undo/Redo Enable (Page 99 - at least in my revision of EOS paper-manual), I think it had to do with drive speed and the fact that it (Jaz) puts itself to sleep after minutes of non-use, even if you have sleep-mode in Ultra menu deactivated, which could eventually lead to a "hang" when performing UNDO tasks on a "sleeping" JAZ. Guess this could only be solved if you have a dedicated IOMEGA tool for computer (probably MAC-only ?) to tell 'em not putting itself to sleep, dunno exactly.
On a personal note: I would not give a dime for IOMEGA, so better buy some MOD-drive for secure data-backup. One JAZ died on me back then (their not as crappy as ZIP at least), still have the replacement-drive in the closet (it was an external "Lacie" or "ONE" brand, with a fan inside.) Well, as long it's just the drive that dies and your media(disk) survives you're lucky, otherwise you're f......
Just mentioning.
Re: E6400 Ultra Screen issue...

Sat Jul 24, 2010 2:43 pm
by scoobylol
Rascal again thankyou for your reply. You're a life saver. Yeh the Jaz drive came installed when I purchased it, but it will getting a replacement as soon as I've saved up the funds. Thankyou for the heads up on the sleep-situation too! I'm expecting a view clicks of death when I start to use it.