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HELP URGENT! OS update fails (floppy/e-loader) and wont boot

Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:23 am
by [/SELF]
tried doing it with the floppies (flashprep, and then OS4.7), and now i get this every time i reboot:
first screen:
copy 'flash prep' to floppy? yes/no
then it says:
erasing boot flash
and then:
boot fails reprogrammed. please reboot, and reload EOS
back to the first screen after reboot
I've also tried with the e-loader, only to have the last step gray'd out (ive got the .dll file, and the midi is blinking on the emu, but it wont let click on the last step 'download OS to...')
I've searched through the other posts, but couldn't find anything similar to my problem. sorry if i missed it.
Re: HELP URGENT! OS update fails (floppy/e-loader) and wont boot

Wed Aug 11, 2010 11:47 am
by MFPhouse
tried doing it with the floppies (flashprep, and then OS4.7)
... its sounds like you stopped/interuppted the install-prodzedur.
There are two diffrent Installers
One is the flashprep
and the other is
OS.4.7 ( and after that all this bullshit FX failed error..if RFX crad installed ;-)
anyway , the first ( Flashprep) takes a few Time ....sometimes the Emu looks like nothing happends....i didnĀ“t remember exactly but it was a few Minutes !
So just try it again...and still wait if the Display say...OK. Ready!....keep cool and drink Coffee while all this installing-Prozession.
Re: HELP URGENT! OS update fails (floppy/e-loader) and wont boot

Wed Aug 11, 2010 11:21 pm
by [/SELF]
... its sounds like you stopped/interuppted the install-prodzedur.
That's originally what I thought, but I still can't get it to work if I try to reinstall
boot up to:
"software found on floppy:
ultra flash prep v1.0
update flash from floppy?
[enter] = yes [exit] = no"
so then i hit enter:
"loading os..."
5 seconds later
"valid OS loaded in ram
burn to flash?
[enter] = yes [exit] = no"
not sure what to do here, so i hit 'enter' (exit gives me the option to burn flash to floppy):
"updating flash..."
"copy flash prep to floppy?
[enter] = yes [exit] = no"
and then it ends up back at:
"erasing boot flash...
boot fails reprogrammed. please reboot, and reload EOS"
i should've just left it alone, lol

Re: HELP URGENT! OS update fails (floppy/e-loader) and wont boot

Sat Aug 14, 2010 8:39 pm
by kalide
This can happen if the floppy disk image is not utterly perfect - e.g. a an image created on a PC or a Mac with a slightly incompatible drive.
Format on an Emu first, and if you can - format on a Win98 SE or XP machine.
I had a similar issue and had to try 2-3 different floppy disks and a few different format attempts to get it to work.
Re: HELP URGENT! OS update fails (floppy/e-loader) and wont boot

Mon Sep 27, 2010 9:06 pm
Hi There
What Emu ?? is it a ultra ??
I recall formating diskkette in EMU only then transfer EOS from pc .
read intructions at website carefully .
tryed EOS 4.6 ???
Re: HELP URGENT! OS update fails (floppy/e-loader) and wont boot

Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:28 am
by kalide
Pretty sure I had the same issue when I tried it.
I recall having to do something odd like remove the floppy so that on a reboot it didn't try and repeat the whole process and you go round in circles. Not a good idea since the flash in these devices is note as tolerant of multiple programming cycles like the SD cards we have today etc.
with my ultra I did NOT need to use Flashprep - I think thats for other older versions to 4.7 upgrades.
Re: HELP URGENT! OS update fails (floppy/e-loader) and wont boot

Thu Jan 13, 2011 7:37 pm
by TheEmulator
ha ha, me too : ((( I could cry!
I bought the disks from the guy in Ireland, so I was quite confident, but there is obviously more to this,
I have a really new E4XT Ultra, seems like a later model because it came with an IDE drive ( or at least it is connected to the IDE bus) and this drive is marked as the factory sound set from EMU. In fact Jesus, what the hell was I playing at trying to update!! Well anyway, I was on 4.61 and wanted to go to 4.7, just to be sure...
I didn't use the flashprep initially, I just tried an update to 4.7. At the end I think it just asked to reboot, I said yes, it then said 'verify' and then said 'System version already exists' and continues to go into 4.61.. so I thought it didn't work...
I then tried again and the next time it doesn't complete 'Floppy length is too short' or something...
So I thought, maybe I need the flashprep... you can see where this one goes...
I did that, then tried 4.7 again 'Floppy length is too short', now I have no OS because it just boots to the bootloader..
I tried an older version of 4.10 that I had and that disk fails too with some other error message, maybe this really is a floppy drive issue, having to format with one's own drive to be sure..
I will asked for some rational help once I've got my head round this mess
Re: HELP URGENT! OS update fails (floppy/e-loader) and wont boot

Fri Jan 14, 2011 9:57 pm
by TheEmulator
OK! Update....
I just switched on again ( after 24 hours ) and it did the update perfectly. Go figure.
When I did the 4.7 update the fst time it took 10 - 15 mins, this time it only took about 2 mins, then it said 'Write to flash'. I pressed enter to confirm. It rebooted with the floppy still in and everything ok. I just booted again without the floppy and it's on 4.7. Sorted.
All I can conclude from this is that there is something strange going on with the floppy drive, as it clearly was struggling to read the identical disk yesterday. It may be worth trying the same for people that have problems, leave the machine to cool off for an hour and try again.. could be. Good luck
Re: HELP URGENT! OS update fails (floppy/e-loader) and wont boot

Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:13 pm
by kalide
I think there's also something special you have to do with the RFX presets before and after the update too if you have an RFX.
Re: HELP URGENT! OS update fails (floppy/e-loader) and wont boot

Mon Jan 17, 2011 10:57 pm
by zoors
Dust or a hair on the floppy readhead...
Re: HELP URGENT! OS update fails (floppy/e-loader) and wont boot

Tue Jan 18, 2011 10:51 am
by MFPhouse
The Floppy-Drive is a big fuck. After successful installing the 4.7 you can sort the Drive out. You never need it again.