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Help! Errors during update my E6400 Ultra

PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 6:31 am
by loupis45
A few days ago i try to update my E-mu E6400 Ultra with no luck. The displays shows "Software found on floppy Ultra FLASH Prep v1.0 Update FLASH from floppy?" and when i hit ENTER i take "error csum failed 95bc12" when i hit enter again i take another csum failed number. So everytime when i press the enter button the number of csum failed is changing
All these started happens when i inserted a diskette with flashprep (This diskette is formatted in winXP and the position of flashprep was under disk C (it is not inside on any folder just on disk C) So i wondering what i have wrong and how can i restore the previous Os (EOS 4.10a). Also if the problem is on dikettes i wondering if can anyone to format a few blank diskettes in his sampler and send its to me in Greece (of course i pay the shipping costs)
If anyone have an idea how can i resolve my problem please send me PM

Re: Help! Errors during update my E6400 Ultra

PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 5:29 pm
by sprouts
so sorry to hear about your problems!

did you make copies of the previous OS before trying to do the Flashprep? if so, you might try to reload the old OS. my understanding is that if Flashprep fails, the Emu is basically blank, and is waiting for new instructions, either a file that does something to the Flash memory or a file that loads an OS.

quick question - did you run the .exe file to create the Flashprep? or did you just copy the .exe onto a floppy disk?

all i can think to do is to go to the Emu web page, and download the Flashprep and new OS files, and try again.... not much to lose, right?

If all else fails, I would be happy to mail you a floppy disk with OS 4.10

Let us know how it goes...